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Deep Thoughts


The Glory and Beauty of Biblical Womanhood

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 (emphasis mine) Men and women are different. Equally valuable (Galatians 3:28), but created differently –designed by God to fulfill different roles in society and home. For each of these, there is a distinct calling, privilege and responsibility. My husband’s desire… Read more


Women of God: Rise Up! (Be Who God Made You to Be)

The world is aching for truth. This week, I came across a New York Times article that grabbed my attention. It had “Dangerous Fake Feminism” in the title. I felt compelled to read it, although I knew it probably wouldn’t be pretty. This article criticized an influential woman for playing into “old sexist ideas about women as nurturers and helpers.” Her offense? She forewent business opportunities in order to… Read more


Why We’re Not Deciding How Many Kids to Have Based on How Many College Educations We Think We Can Afford

First of all, if you feel convicted to plan your family size based on how many college educations you think you can afford, I don’t think there is anything wrong with that! God will accomplish His will no matter what. High five for being responsible and providing well for your children! I have a slightly different perspective on this matter. My husband and I do… Read more


This Changes Everything

Presents can’t change everything. Cookies and milk and cute little elves can’t either. Nor can caroling, sleigh rides, or any amount of holiday cheer. But this? This can change everything!  We are now in the middle of the holiday season, which means you have probably already had a fair share of parties, family traditions, and way too many cookies (Tell… Read more


On Staying Grateful and Content (Even on Cyber Monday)

Have you ever noticed that we tend to take a hard left turn after Thanksgiving? We spend the day filled with joy, reflecting on the abundant blessings in our lives, cultivating relationships with our families, slowing down and enjoying the simple things in life: good food and togetherness. Then, the very next day we wake up to a whole new… Read more


4 Truths a New Mom Can Cling to in Times of Desperation

Becoming a mom can bring forth so many emotions and feelings that we may have never felt before.  I’m dedicating this post to a friend of mine who just recently had her first baby, and any other new moms out there. And to the mom who may just be frustrated with the stress of caring for your family. I want… Read more


Put Down Your Smartphone And “Be Still and Know That I Am God”

Have you ever felt agitated that your kids had the audacity to want your attention while you were CLEARLY trying to do something on your smart phone? You know, something pressing, like read a blog post or perfect an Instagram caption? *Me: looking at the floor. looking at the wall. looking at the ceiling… Have you ever felt a little too compulsive with your use… Read more


Why I Quit Making Beauty Judgements (Even Positive Ones)

*This may be a new idea for some of you, and some may not agree. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section!* A while back, I spent some time as a volunteer, helping take care of a bunch of kids in a nursery-type setting. As I played with these sweet little babies and toddlers (they were all delightful), I noticed a… Read more

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