You long to live a life focused on that things that truly matter

…and to find abundance in a simple life that’s centered around God and your family.

And yet, you are frustratingly distracted and overwhelmed by busyness and all the trivial stuff of life. This leaves you short-tempered, empty, and feeling like a failure.

There’s hope for you.

I believe this world, along with all its desires and opinions, is passing away. Meaning and freedom are available to you right now, and it all begins with eternal perspective. Life doesn’t have to feel so complicated.

Imagine having less stuff, less noise and less activity so you can focus on the calling God has placed on your life (teaching your children to know Jesus, loving others for the sake of the His Kingdom).

Imagine living a life that’s rooted in love, unhurried, diligent, content and filled with patience and joy.

Imagine living a life of eternal significance.

When you join the Embracing a Simpler Life community, you’ll get the inspiration and help you need to disentangle yourself from the world and pursue what actually matters.

About Me

Hi, I’m Katie Bennett!

Early in my journey as a mother, I felt overwhelmed. All I really wanted was to follow Jesus, and yet the work of being a mother and my desire for worldly things bogged me down.

Thankfully, God brought me through a season of deep meditation on eternity. During this time, God opened my eyes to broader truth and permanently changed me. Because I saw that this world was passing away, it effectively lost its appeal.

And so, I began the process of cutting away meaningless things so I could be freed up to pursue the eternal, such as teaching my children to know God, working hard for His glory, and showing generosity instead of buying something else I don’t really need.

Now, every day I have the privilege of exploring and discovering the depths of what it means to live simply in light of eternity. I’ve found joy, peace, purpose, and clear vision, and I’d like to share it with you!


My Courses

5 Steps to Turn Your Chaos into Intentionality by Next Week

This FREE five part email guide will help you take foundation steps forward towards stripping away the things that overwhelm you and hold you back, so that you can pursue the things of lasting value.

Take the first five steps to a simpler life here.

Heavenly Minded Mom online course

Heavenly Minded Mom Online Course embodies the “why” behind Embracing a Simpler Life, but really, it is so much more than that. Through cultivating eternity-rooted perspective, we gain freedom from many things, including: people-pleasing, fear, sin and folly.

Refresh your perspective here.

Help for the Hopeless Homemaker online course

This 11-part, self-paced video eCourse will guide you through the first steps of taking control of your home for God’s glory. The simple principles and daily habits taught in this course will lay a foundation for lasting change in your life and home.

Start taking control of your home for God’s glory here.


What readers are saying…

“It is a joy to read what you have to say, and you make me pause and reflect of what is important….Thank you!” –Laurie

“You are right on Katie! I cherish your wisdom from above. You have a great ministry to women of all ages, even us Grandma followers!” Patti

“Your blog is the only one I’m subscribed to and I LOVE it! Keep letting God use you!” –Akeelah

“I love your content. It’s so refreshingly gospel-centered! Thanks for keeping kingdom priorities the most important thing in your life and writing.” Cathy

“Happy to have found this blog! I love the vision and way of seeing things you have! Definitely inspiring!” –Lisa

I’d love to hear from you! You can reach me anytime at [email protected].

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