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Deep Thoughts


What Bad News is Teaching Me About a Good God

In March of 2020, our daughter injured her elbow. Unbeknownst to us at that time, it was the beginning of a long ordeal, fraught with bad news. Many times over the past two years, we asked God for healing and good outcomes for our sweet girl, only to receive unexpected and unlikely bad outcomes instead. I’m not one to ask… Read more


Read Your Bible, Pray Everyday — More Easily Said Than Done?

Guest post by Laura Bailey at Let Me Tell Ya Somethin’ Our family morning routine involves a prayer, a Bible verse, and a few songs while eating breakfast. The other day we sang a song that many of us equate with juice boxes and butter cookies. It says, “Read your Bible, pray every day if you want to grow.” My eldest… Read more


Why Community Matters for Your Family

When my first child was born, I was consumed by the overwhelming feeling of desperation. The sleepless nights, the acid reflux, and the exhaustion all began to drain me day after day. All of the things that I didn’t know or expect as a new mom began to isolate and distance me from others. I believed the lie that I… Read more


What it Really Means to be Content

A few weeks ago, I shared a little bit of our story over at In this post, I explained that early in our marriage, my husband and I faithfully adhered to a strict budget. As our goals and life-seasons progressed, the necessity of a budget continued. And even now, despite nine years of discipline, we must still watch our… Read more


Biblical Hospitality and Unexpected Guests

Have you ever had someone you know unexpectedly knock on your door? I’ve always struggled with whether to invite them in or just see if they quickly need something. I want to be hospitable, but sometimes their visit catches me off guard. This usually looks like me trying to hide the leftover breakfast crumbs on the table and the blocks… Read more


Giving the Best Gift This Christmas

In our home, we will always remember the Christmas of 2014 as the most unpleasant holiday (so far). We went to my Aunt’s house to celebrate Christmas Eve like we do every year and then we came home to prepare for a lovely Christmas morning. But all throughout the night, my two girls were sick, constantly throwing up. We went… Read more


How Satan Uses Fear to Steal Our Joy in Motherhood

You know that feeling when your child is playing with new friends at the local park, and suddenly you do not spot them anywhere You call their name, and still, they do not come running to you like you expect them to. For some mothers, it is easy to brush off. Then a few minutes later the child runs up to… Read more


Putting Life’s Frustrations Into Perspective

My husband and I were driving home from a weekend away, and we needed groceries. We decided to stop off at an Aldi along the way. Somewhere in the mix of shopping and loading the van, I managed to lose my wallet. I didn’t realize it was gone until we arrived at home. After sending my sister on a thorough recognizance… Read more


Hope for Mothers When Life Feels Hard

Some seasons of mothering are hard. Sleep-deprivation, frustration, the realization of our own inadequacy, the harder-than-we-wanted-to-work hard work stretch us thin and can lead our bodies and souls react in ways we don’t always like. I didn’t expect to struggle with anxiety over getting three kids out the door on time. I didn’t expect exhaustion to be so hard. I didn’t expect… Read more

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