On Staying Grateful and Content (Even on Cyber Monday)

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Have you ever noticed that we tend to take a hard left turn after Thanksgiving? We spend the day filled with joy, reflecting on the abundant blessings in our lives, cultivating relationships with our families, slowing down and enjoying the simple things in life: good food and togetherness.

Then, the very next day we wake up to a whole new world. It’s one of Christmas lists, Black Friday shopping, and overwhelming opportunities to think about what we don’t have –what we want.

And now, here we are at Cyber Monday, one of the best days of the year to order all those things we’ve been eyeing for the past 12 months. We’re in a jovial, buying mood, and we have an excuse, because IT’S ON SALE.

But, do all those things really satisfy, ultimately? Do they hold meaning past the now?

I’ve been doing some soul searching this weekend. I really want new bedding for our new bedroom in our new home. I saw some I loved on Fixer Upper months ago, and I finally tracked it down to Anthropolgie (another word for “not cheap”).

Try as I might, I just couldn’t get my husband to say, “It’s 30% off right now?? You love it that much? Go for it girl!” 🙂

So, I had a choice. I could tell him it was important to me, and I wanted to splurge on it, or I could let it go and recognize that the way my bedroom is decorated has nothing to do with my happiness. Rather, my happiness will be dictated by my choice to be content regardless of what I have or don’t have.

So, on this Cyber Monday, I’m choosing to let go of what I want (and what I sometimes think I need to be happy), and instead be content right where I am.

It’s freeing!

What’s more, it’s in this way that we free up our finances to be generous, to advance the Kingdom of God, and to help those in need. With those same dollars I can choose to spoil myself, or I can make an investment in eternity.

Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” Matthew 6:19-21

I’m certainly not saying it’s bad to spend money today on yourself or others! You have freedom to do that. And in fact, God’s goodness can be displayed even in beautiful bedding. Who do you think created all the possibilities for design and color that we enjoy? It all cries out to our creative God!

However, I am asking you to search your heart and consider, is there something God is calling you to let go of today?


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