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Mothering with Eternity in Mind


5 Ways to Add God’s Word to Your Kids’ Routine

There are so many things that I don’t do well as a mother. I don’t plan super special crafts for my kids, nor do I like to bake cookies. There are probably many places in my house that need a good scrubbing right now, and due to sickness and busyness, we are all waaaay off schedule. BUT, I’m not stressing… Read more


Simple Homeschool for a Simpler Life: Part 2 – Our Curriculum

Over the past four years our homeschool daily schedule and curriculum choices have morphed and shifted quite a bit. Every family, child, and season is different. Currently I homeschool a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and a pre-schooler who is old enough to do Kindergarten work. With the addition of a third child to our formal school, I was not able… Read more


Simple Homeschool for a Simpler Life: Part 1 – Our Why

Several readers have asked me recently to share more about our simple homeschool. In the face of Covid-19, some families are considering homeschool long term. I love homeschooling, and I want to be an encouragement and a resource to those who are weighing this out. I decided to break down my thoughts into a multipart part series. In this post… Read more


Books to Help Kids Grow in Their Faith (My Top 16)

*Today I’m sharing some of my favorite books to help kids grow in their faith!* There are certain children’s books that have become staples around our home. We read them year after year, and sometimes week after week! Of these, my absolute favorites are the ones that are faith-centered and point my kids to Christ. There are actually many wonderful resources… Read more


Dear Tired, Worn-Out Mom Who Hates Discipline: You’re Not Alone.

I’m excited to feature a guest post today from my friend Sara Wallace, Gospel-Centered Mom! “I’m doing it wrong. This isn’t working.” From the moment we hold our sweet babies in our arms these thoughts waste no time creeping in. I remember having these thoughts when I first started nursing and the first time I buckled a floppy newborn into a car… Read more


How to Love Your Family Without Making an Idol

I had been a Christian for years. As a young, married, mother-of-two, I loved God, and I made reading and following His word a priority in my life. And yet, somewhere in the midst of getting run over by that bus called “motherhood,” I began to notice that I was fearing a lot. I couldn’t bear all the looming possibilities… Read more


Heavenly Minded Mom is HERE!

Over the past five years, God has opened my eyes to the truth of eternity and its relevance to motherhood. In His grace, He brought me on a journey to see my life in light of heaven, and it changed everything. Now I believe He has entrusted me the task of helping other mothers anchor their hope firmly in heaven.… Read more


Activity Ark Review: Discovering spiritual truths one box at a time

I think subscription boxes are cool, and in many instances, they do make life simpler. As a non-crafty, busy mom who longs to share meaningful time with my children exploring spiritual truths, Activity Ark couldn’t be more perfect! Let me explain… What is Activity Ark? Activity Ark is a box subscription service that is delivered once every three months, or… Read more


To the Mom Who Is Tired and Weary

Ten months ago I gave birth to our sweet Lydia. Even though I was shocked by the fact that our baby was a girl (read this post about our surprise baby), I was absolutely sure of one thing as a mom of now four children; that I would be losing sleep. I knew the drill of waking up every 2… Read more

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