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Mothering with Eternity in Mind


Hope for Mothers When Life Feels Hard

Some seasons of mothering are hard. Sleep-deprivation, frustration, the realization of our own inadequacy, the harder-than-we-wanted-to-work hard work stretch us thin and can lead our bodies and souls react in ways we don’t always like. I didn’t expect to struggle with anxiety over getting three kids out the door on time. I didn’t expect exhaustion to be so hard. I didn’t expect… Read more


The Verse Every Mother Should Memorize

We went camping at the beach last Fall. Two parents brave (or crazy, depending on your perspective) enough to take four children 6 and under camping for a week. Would you believe me if I told you that we had a really great time? For five days we ate outside, went on nature walks, and of course, played at the… Read more


Serving Even When Your Hands Are Full

As a child and even into my teenage years, I remember going to church with my mom on Saturday nights to fold bulletins. The smell of the printed paper, the sound of the paper cutter, and trying to avoid paper cuts were all too familiar to me. I use to dread this. I wondered why in the world my mom… Read more


8 Ways to Start Praying for Your Kids Today

It takes about 4 seconds of scrolling through Pinterest or Facebook before you are confronted with post after post on what you should be praying for your kid, when, and how often. And then that you should be praying for their future spouse and friend group. It can quickly feel overwhelming. Especially if this is an area you’re working on… Read more


What Does It Mean to Parent with Humility?

God has called mothers to do many things. We are a chef, a chauffeur, a referee, etc. It seems like we are always going and doing what needs to be done. It can be easy for us to become discouraged and exhausted through all of the work we must do. So, how can we be humble through the endless tasks… Read more


How to Help Your Child Fall in Love with God’s Word

I can’t think of any greater goal in my parenting than for my children to fall in love with God’s word. This one thing will create ripples in their lives that will resonate into eternity. I am confident that if they love the Bible and learn to drink from this life-giving well for themselves, they will not only come to understand the… Read more


3 Things You Can Do to Raise Hospitable Children

I am afraid that the practice of hospitality in our society today is quickly becoming the exception and not the rule. And no wonder, when our lives are filled to the brim and so much of our interaction with our “neighbors” and friends happens online. I’ll be the first to admit that it is often easier to try to check… Read more


4 Truths a New Mom Can Cling to in Times of Desperation

Becoming a mom can bring forth so many emotions and feelings that we may have never felt before.  I’m dedicating this post to a friend of mine who just recently had her first baby, and any other new moms out there. And to the mom who may just be frustrated with the stress of caring for your family. I want… Read more


How to Set Clear and Realistic Expectations for Your Children

Let’s say that you have planned a fun day out with your kids. You imagine everyone enjoying themselves and appreciating you, their loving mother for planning this wonderful day. In reality, you are scrambling to get everyone out the door looking presentable. You get to your destination and your kids go wild, running in separate directions. This leaves you feeling… Read more


Sharing the Gospel with Our Children Starts Here

“How do I share the gospel with my children?” you wonder. It starts with lovingly helping them see their need for a Savior starting from a young age. The gospel is the good news that Jesus has sacrificed Himself in our place to pay for our sins. It’s the good news that we can have eternal life through His death and… Read more


A Glimpse into Life Lately and What I’m Loving in April

A Glimpse Into Life Lately If you’re on my email list, you probably know that my daughter and I celebrated our birthdays together earlier this month! (If you don’t get my emails and you’d like to, sign up here). I turned 29 and she turned 5, so you can guess who’s birthday took centerstage this year! 🙂 Here is my favorite picture from… Read more

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