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Simple Homemaking


Part 3: Rediscover Discipline (for Moms)

There is no formula for parenting, no guaranteed “method” for producing perfect children. There are, however, principles that can guide us through this daunting task. I love this one by Anne Ortlund: My greatest goal for my home is that it produce healthy, happy, secure, and mostly, God-bent children. This very principle is one that God has put on my… Read more


Part 2: On Being Present

There’s a difference between being present physically and being present relationally and emotionally in your home. While both are important, it’s the latter that truly meets needs. Not the present-but-cranky, distant or distracted parent and wife I have often been, but the one that engages, sees, and builds up those in her home. Through intentionally choosing to be fully present, we are… Read more


Slow Your Home

“There is nothing more terrible than activity without insight.” Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) Are you living more as a human being or a human doing? At our core, we were meant to be,  not do. …To be in God’s presence. To be still. To be His people, and as an outflow from our identity in Him, to live godly lives and love others. Yet most of… Read more


The “What, Why & How” of Creating a Family Yearbook

In this day of modern technology, it’s all too easy to leave pictures buried in computer files and rarely enjoyed. The modern solution for many of us is not 4 x 6 prints and old-style photo albums, but rather, fun, customized photo books. Each year, my family and I do this in the form of a Family Yearbook.   So What’s a… Read more


12 Tips to Creating a Welcoming Guest Room

With the upcoming holidays, you may have more opportunities to host over-night guests, than normal. As much as it is easy to allow a “guest room” to become a “catch-all room”, putting a little extra thought into preparing a space for guests can help them feel comfortable and welcome. In fact, you can start by picking pieces from the Dreamcloud… Read more


3 Types of Apps I Deleted from My Phone for a Simpler Life

The second I stopped judging people who are constantly looking at their phones was the second I got a smart phone for myself. No matter how much you believe yourself to value truly living, eyes up, hands-free, focusing on your children and all the important people right in front of you, owning a smart phone reveals how susceptible we all are… Read more


Minimalist Baby: Cut the Clutter, Enjoy the Child

I’ve found that a minimalist baby is a happy baby, and a minimalist baby mom is much less stressed! Here are the inside tips of what you don’t actually need. My fourth and last baby just turned ten months old.  I am officially a seasoned baby-mom.  But I had my newbie days and I remember them well. When we had… Read more

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