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Simple Homemaking


Why We Turned the Computer Off For 30 Days and 5 Insights I Gleaned

Does anyone else long for the “good ‘ol days?” I mean before Facebook, iphones, TV, up to the minute digital calendars, and our constant availability to anyone and everyone via technology? Back when things MUST have been simpler, slower, sweeter. Hand written notes and face to face conversations were the medium for communication, and relationships were king, not flashing screens. To be honest, I’m… Read more


For Wives: 7 Biblical Tips for Resolving Conflict in Marriage

My husband and I don’t exactly “fight” in the normal sense. I think it’s because we’re both introspective types. In 5 years of marriage, we’ve never yelled at each other or whatever a fight consists of. We’re not above it, so it may happen, but it’s not our natural temperament, and I’m okay with that. However, during these past 5 years… Read more

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