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Simple Homemaking


Get $10 off the 2018 Homemaking Ministries Online Conference!

I used to think that worship was mostly about seeking emotionally-connected experiences with God through reading the Bible, praying, and singing or listening to praise songs. Sure, I knew there was a “daily life” component to worship, but that didn’t feel as much like worship to me, so I didn’t give it as much thought. When I became a mother,… Read more


Help Kids to Keep Their Messes Under Control: Routines

As you may have noticed, children aren’t born picking up after themselves. Many (most?) of them are naturally messy. They are sinners just like we are, so it makes sense that they would struggle against the selfish desires to let others do all the work. Seeing laziness in my children is like looking into a mirror. And yet, things continually… Read more


90 Date Night Questions for Christian Married Couples

Early in our dating relationship, my now-husband and I discovered the delight of asking one another questions. I remember one long road trip we took together to visit family in Texas. We spent over six hours talking (which is pretty amazing if you know us), and learned so much! Prior to the trip, we had come up with lists of… Read more


My Favorite 36 Bible Verses on Living Simply

I’d love to share some of my very favorite Bible verses on living simply with you! From a biblical perspective, what does it mean to live simply and why does it matter? You might be surprised that the Bible has a lot to say about this. It’s not the trendy, minimalism that you may be thinking of, but rather, it… Read more


Help Kids Keep Their Messes Under Control: Simplify

Most days it seems that my kids leave a never-ending trail of messes as they go to and from about the house. With three (young) children who are not very aware of the trail they’ve left behind, and one mother who is overwhelmed by the tasks of keeping order in the home and training these children to pick up after themselves,… Read more


The Complete Guide to Creating a Christmas Book Advent Calendar

Learn how to make a Christmas Book Advent Calendar for your family and start a powerful new tradition to turn your children’s hearts to Jesus!  Christmas is a wonderful time of year, and it’s not just one day either. We can enjoy the entire season. During the month of December, we have the opportunity to intentionally prepare our hearts for… Read more


Homemaker’s Friend Daily Planner 2018!

There is just only so much space in my brain. Most of the time, I think there should be more, but somehow there just is not. I forget things I’m supposed to remember. I no show events. I don’t get that card in the mail. I can’t contain all the systems and dates and needs and tasks in my head… Read more


Homemaking with Purpose (on Purpose)

Did you know that God is up to something eternal in the midst of your homemaking? It’s true! Stay-at-home-moms of little children, you don’t need to get them into school in order to start doing something purposeful with your life. You’re already doing it! Working women and moms, you don’t need to wait for life to be simpler to live… Read more


6 Ways to Be More Productive Around the Home

By Katie Bennett, creator of Embracing a Simpler Life. I am not naturally a on-top-of-it or productive homemaker. As a child I was messy, and probably even lazy, when it came to keep my room clean. Those tendencies were harder to overcome than I expected when I finally had a home of my own to care for. I wanted this… Read more

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Life is too short and God is too good to live distracted.

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