
How to Hygge with Small Children

Are you familiar with the term “hygge”? Chances are you have seen this little Danish word in an article or heard it on a podcast. The idea has become pretty popular recently. And with good reason, too, because who doesn’t want to talk about how we can make our homes cozier and our lives more rich with the things which bring us… Read more


27 of the Simple, Good Things in Life

Sometimes we get so wound up in our daily lives and problems and mediocre pursuits, that we fail to see or appreciate or enjoy the good that God has provided for us. Sometimes we go looking for a life worth living in all the wrong places. We spend the day away surfing the internet and social media, or idling in… Read more


Family Night Ideas: How We Do Family Night (In 5 Simple Steps)

A weekly family night will help you strengthen your family relationships. These family night ideas are simple yet effective at doing just that! We recently launched an official family night around our house. It’s on our shared iCloud Calendar, currently set to repeat every Wednesday night into eternity. I want to share a little bit about what we’re doing as we figure this… Read more


My Top 10 Favorite Things About Newborn Babies

Whether mine or someone else’s, I love being around and holding newborn babies! This is a passion that has grown since becoming a mother. When my first daughter was born four years ago, I hardly knew what to think or expect. I had rarely been around babies and was busily processing the drastic life-change that had just occurred. I wasn’t able… Read more


The “What, Why & How” of Creating a Family Yearbook

In this day of modern technology, it’s all too easy to leave pictures buried in computer files and rarely enjoyed. The modern solution for many of us is not 4 x 6 prints and old-style photo albums, but rather, fun, customized photo books. Each year, my family and I do this in the form of a Family Yearbook.   So What’s a… Read more


Christmas Gift Idea for Daddy (from Daughter)

It’s 5 days ’til Christmas. How crazy is that? This year, I wanted to help my 3-year-old daughter give her daddy a gift for Christmas. I knew they would both appreciate that opportunity. But what? Of course, I’ve also looked for my perfect gift for him and I guess this vintage leather bag like the ones at will surely make… Read more


Why You Should Spend Less This Christmas: Advent Conspiracy

  “That sweater she won’t like, that random gift card, that toy he doesn’t need.” Why do we spend so much money on gifts that lack meaning at Christmastime? Could it be that we believe the $ spent directly represents our love? Our culture may tell us so. And we do love these people, so we spend, spend, spend. The only problem… Read more

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