Simple Homemaking Graces: A Free 5-Day Challenge to Encourage You to Intentionally Cultivate Your Home

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Simple Homemaking Grace 5-Day Challenge

I am excited to announce a fun, free homemaking challenge that will be available in the month of July!

I recently polled our private Facebook group, asking what type of challenge you would be most interested in. The overwhelming top choice of those provided was encouragement to be diligent at home.

So, that got me thinking. What would a be a fun, unique way to challenge (and motivate) us all in that area? And, so the Simple Homemaking Graces 5-Day Challenge was born.

What is The Simple Homemaking Graces Challenge?

This is a series of daily emails, over the course of five days, that will challenge you to add simple touches of elegance to your home and complete home-care tasks. It will run Tuesday, July 5th through Saturday, July 9th.

The challenge is designed to require only a few minutes per day, with optional extensions if you want to get more out of it.

Each day will include three simple components:
  1. A simple homemaking grace to add to your home (think “a bouquet of flowers,” etc.)
  2. A simple home-care task to complete, which will be related to the grace you added that day. The special touch will motivate us to want to keep the surrounding area nice (hopefully). We are capitalizing on that motivation!
  3. An optional extension task involving home-cleaning or home-care for those who have a bit more time on their hands.

So, whether you are busy or time is plentiful, I hope you’ll be able to adapt this challenge to fit your home and propel you forward as you seek to nurture “home.”


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  1. Joanie says:

    I just joined the challenge! This looks super fun and motivating! Mind if I share in my blog newsletter?

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