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Homemaking Ministries Online Conference 2016 is THIS WEEK!

Hey everyone! I know I’ve been a bit quiet here on the blog. But believe me, I HAVE been communicating… it’s just been through email lately! (In a very tiny nutshell, my life has been “nuts,” (giggling because that’s a pun) and we’re moving back to my home town on Saturday). Hence why I haven’t been blogging quite as much. …SO, if you’re… Read more


Luvs #WhatULuv Baby Party!

I did something fun this week! I had the opportunity to partner with Luvs to throw a #whatuluv baby party with my friends! I got to share about Luvs Ultra Leakguards with Nightlock Plus®, as well as see how much my friends’ babies have grown. Their unique personalities are shining through in so many ways. It was beyond adorable. The concept was: set aside… Read more


Seven Habits for Healthy Conflict Resolution in Marriage

This is my first post here on Embracing A Simpler Life, and I am excited that Katie has invited me to share. I love reading along and have been blessed by the community here and on the EASL Facebook group. I just know we will get along splendidly! While I was considering post topics, I asked my husband for ideas and he suggested I write… Read more


4 Ways to Live Out the Gospel in Your Home

Sometimes I think about the end goals of my homemaking. In the midst of work that can easily feel endless, cyclical, and mundane, I wonder, “what am I actually trying to do here, and why?” As I think about it, I can actually get pretty excited! What am I trying to do through my homemaking?  What does it mean to live… Read more


3 Truths to Teach Your Emotional Child

Today I’m giving you a peek into one way I parent my emotional child, who shall remain nameless… 😉 Let’s just say, feelings run high for this little one. But as she’s gotten older, we’ve uncovered two empowering truths to teach her. These truths have made a difference in her ability to cope with and overcome her own emotions (both rational and irrational). So, I’m… Read more


Creating a “Stop Doing List” for a Priority-Driven Life

Creating a “stop doing list” can be a great way to rein ourselves back in when our lives don’t match our priorities. I’ve been slowly working my way through the Make Over Your Evenings Course, which has been great! Each lesson is so impactful for me, I can spend a month in between them just implementing what I’ve learned so far… Read more


Why eCourses Work

Over the past year, I’ve taken a few different online courses that have had a real impact in my life, and as a result, I decided to launch my very first eCourse last March! Well, this week my second eCourse is officially out! It’s called Modesty, Grace and a Minimal Wardrobe! It’s part of a larger training academy known as My Homemaking Mentor. More on that below.… Read more


My Homemaking Mentor is Now Available!

The possibilities of community are changing! Where we were once limited by our proximity to others, now we have the unique opportunity to learn from godly women around the globe via the internet. This allows us to soak in a variety of perspectives and glean from those with varying areas of expertise! Mentoring is a valuable model for growth, and homemaking is… Read more


Mini Vans & Pride: Letting Go of What I Want for What Is Best

When I was a first-time mom, my husband and I shared a vehicle, a white 2006 Pontiac Vibe. It wasn’t a big deal because we could fit everything we needed for our one child, and we still had plenty of space. At the time, I remember our first conversations about “the dreaded minivan.” I said the words that so many other… Read more

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