Why eCourses Work

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Over the past year, I’ve taken a few different online courses that have had a real impact in my life, and as a result, I decided to launch my very first eCourse last March!

Well, this week my second eCourse is officially out! It’s called Modesty, Grace and a Minimal Wardrobe! It’s part of a larger training academy known as My Homemaking Mentor. More on that below.

The online learning industry is rapidly growing, so I know I’m not the only one who finds this a good way to learn. It got me thinking. Why are eCourses so effective?

I think there are a few reasons. Here are mine.

Why I’m Loving eCourses

1. They take readers on a journey

I love that online courses are results oriented.

They are designed to take you from point A to point B, whether that’s professionally or personally. That level of intention creates a powerful model for information transfer.

2. They provide targeted, useful information and skills

Thinking back to college, thousands of dollars were spent for me to take quite a few classes from which I remember absolutely nothing. These were mostly general education requirements. And, while I’m sure I benefitted in some way from these classes, I’m also sure they were a waste of time and resources to a certain degree.

However, when I take an eCourse now in an area of particular interest, it’s usually because I’m ready to apply the content directly to my life. It alters my course immediately, because it’s highly practical. There are no grades assigned, since the motive behind it isn’t to garner an arbitrary score. Rather, it’s about real application and life change.

That is so refreshing compared to the hoop-jumping nature of the forms of study to which I’m most accustomed. I love learning and improving myself in both the areas I’m passionate about, and those I’m specifically weak in.


3. They utilize multimedia and promote application

I love learning, so I enjoy reading non-fiction books. However, taking in information from a book can be a bit one-dimensional.

BUT, when the information dissemination process involves a variety of media, including video, text, and printable hands-on exercises, it has the potential to be just that much more powerful. That is the beauty of an online course. It promotes application and often provides face-time with the course instructor too.

4. Get information efficiently from a unique perspective

Could you learn a lot of the same information bundled up in an online course for free on the internet? Conceivably. It depends on the topic of the course. However, in an online course, the content is consolidated and intentionally ordered. The information builds upon itself, and it’s presented from a cohesive perspective.

Most likely that perspective is not available elsewhere, so if the instructor is trusted, it adds value and power for change.

Also, the cost is low compared to the benefit (or it should be). I think of all the courses I took in college that never noticeably benefitted me, except to check off a box in pursuit of a degree. Each of the classes cost an average of $1,200.

Now, in my adult life, I get to take classes about things I actually want to learn about –areas I personally need to grow. I’m more invested in actually learning, rather than passing, and the cost is exorbitantly less in comparison.

5. They serve you, not the other way around

I love that the online courses I’ve taken are self-paced. And sometimes, I do take weeks or months to get through one. But that’s usually because what I’ve learned in Day 1-5 is having such an impact, I need to take several weeks just to practice implementing what I’ve learned.

It’s so wonderful to get to learn and grow on my own terms. eCourses are designed to serve the student, rather than the student striving to meet the standards of the course.

They’re low stress! I’m excited about that.

This is why I’m excited to tell you about the My Homemaking Mentor Training Academy, and exciting new project I’ve gotten to be a part of!

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Have you tried an online course? What did you think about the format?

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  1. It is so nice to see someone so young interested in living a simple Godly life.

  2. Ivan Jordon says:

    I’ve taken ecourses before.. They definitely work..

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