Using a Home Management Binder to Simplify and Streamline Your Home

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using a home management binder to streamline and simplify your home smaller

One thing I’ve deeply learned about simplicity and home life is that a little forethought and orderliness goes a long way.

It’s easy for me to have a “survival mentality” when it comes to running my home. I fall behind and begin reacting to its needs rather than attacking them head on.

For example:

When my child has no clean underwear, I throw a load in the laundry even though I know I won’t be able to see it through at that time. The result is that most of this laundry must be redone.

When we’re running low on food, I run by the grocery store on my way home with no shopping list or meal plan. The result is a week’s worth of stress over what to cook and perhaps even repeat trips to the store.

When I don’t understand our budget and have no money plan, I overspend blindly and wind up treading circles but never making true forward progress financially.

However, when I choose to take a step back, think for minute, and make a plan, my world begins to shift. Rather than feeling a victim of my life, I am able to take charge in good ways.

One tool that can be very helpful in organizing time, money, schedules, routines and inventories is a Home Management Binder.

I have just started using this particular, super-cute printable one.


I love having it printable so I can replicate each page as much as needed. After printing it, I hole punched it and placed it in a three ring binder.

It is a free bonus I received for signing up for the Homemaking Ministries Online Conference 2015 (more on that below). You can also buy it directly for $19.95. 

Just to give you an idea, here are some things you might include in a Home Management Binder as you set one up for yourself. This is what’s in mine.


What to Include in Your Home Management Binder

Important, readily-accessible information

This is a good, central spot to include emergency contact information, emergency phone numbers, important addresses, your insurance information and other such pertinent bits of information.

Menu, grocery and kitchen lists

Meal planning, creating grocery lists and keeping an inventory of stored food are all great uses of a home management binder.

Taking time to write out my menu and shopping list are important because, by Tuesday I can’t remember what I’d planned!

Home finances

This binder is a handy spot to keep track of bills and extra income as they sift through your home.

Write down what you expect to spend and create approximate budgets for everything else. Make a plan for how and when you will pay off debt and use income intentionally.

Cleaning schedules and routines

Hashing out when and how exactly I will do chores helps me stay motivated and on top of my home. It also helps me make decisions about what I will and will not fret over at a given stage of life.

Use your binder to create weekly and daily routines. Write them down andstick to them!


This is also a great place to write out daily and weekly chores for each child. Sometimes working these things out on paper is all that’s needed to get the ball rolling in a good direction!

Personal items

What other lists are you keeping? Create a space for them in your Home Management Binder and have everything all in one place.

This might be things like books you want to read or prayer requests you’ve committed to pray for.

I’m thankful I didn’t have to come up with how to organize all this information on my own!

As I’m spending time going through this free binder printable, I figuring out which worksheets I will and won’t use regularly. I’m finding some of them extremely valuable for my home, and really finally ironing some things out in my daily and weekly routine, which I’ve been meaning to do for… quite some time.

It’s been a relief!

Does this sound like something that would be a blessing to you?

If so, I’d encourage you to set one up! A Home Management Binder is a powerful tool when implemented with diligence, and definitely worth the time and effort!


Get this Home Management Binder Printable for FREEHome Management Binder Pages 3D

You can currently get this entire home management binder for FREE as an added bonus when you sign up for the second annual Homemaking Ministries Online Conference! This is a 3 day online conference October 27-29 that covers what you need to better manage your home (but don’t worry, you can watch the session anytime, anywhere, and on any device as the videos are yours to keep forever)!

All you have to do is pre-register for the conference which includes full access to all 12 video sessions, the beautifully designed home management binder, other homemaking eBooks, printables, resources, and more! If you pre-register by October 26th, you are also going to get $5 off the normal ticket price of $34.95. 

This binder includes everything I described above, and MORE.



BONUS Training Video

It gets even more exciting! As a special surprise bonus, when you pre-register for the conference by Friday, October 23rd by 11:59 pm, you are also going to get a bonus training video teaching you how to effectively use your home management binder!

This training video includes:

  • The basics of using a home management binder
  • How this can drastically help in your homemaking
  • How to go from living in chaos to feeling in control of your schedule
  • And a step by step guide for using each page of your binder

So if you are thinking about signing up for the conference, don’t wait! Pre-register TODAY to get this awesome bonus training video and access to the full home management binder (plus, all the goodies and the conference)! Find out more & sign up here!


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  1. wendy says:

    I am loving this.

  2. Angel says:

    Where can I just buy the management book?

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