10 Minimalist Baby Products to Streamline, Simplify and Consolidate Your Home

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Nothing clutters up a house quite like preparing for a new baby, especially if it’s your first. These minimalist baby products will help you save space!

10 best minimalist baby products

Yes, you are going to need some baby stuff.

But the temptation is to take every last recommendation and get every last gadget and contraption, and before you know it, you’re left with no space and a bunch of junk you didn’t need.

Marketers feed on newly expectant parents.

But some of us don’t want to be eaten. We don’t want to be convinced we need lots of stuff when we don’t. We look for the basics with versatility and functionality.

We look for simple and minimalist baby products. 

If that’s you, I have some great minimalist baby products for you to consider. These are things that either myself or a close friend has used and loved. They work well while decreasing the quantity of “stuff” you need.

Top 10 Best Minimalist Baby Products

1. Britax B-Ready stroller.

This is not a cheap stroller, but it’s high quality and soooooo versatile.

Take my advice, get this stroller to begin with instead of winding up with five strollers like I did. Talk about taking up space in the garage!

And honestly, I didn’t know which to get rid of, because

  • one fit my infant car seat
  • another functioned as a jogger
  • another fit into my car for trips
  • two others are double strollers for different purposes…

It’s ridiculous.

This one stroller fulfills all those needs and is what I finally ended up with by baby #3! I love it. It converts from a single to a double stroller, plus it holds a carseat and folds up small enough to fit well in my car! And the wheels are big enough to jog with on nice paths. This has been one of my favorite minimalist baby products pro! See here how to clean your stroller properly!

minimalist baby stroller

2. Bath sponge.

You don’t need a bulky baby bath. Where are you going to store it anyway? You can simply use your existing tub and lay/sit your baby on this sponge.

It works as well as anything, is much cheaper, and takes up so much less space. 

minimalist baby bath products

3. Keep your crib bedding simple.

Don’t invest in a bulky crib set. Plush bumpers and blankets aren’t only useless, they’re dangerous to babies. Instead, go with a plain breathable bumper and pick out some super cute sheets. Your baby’s bedding will still look amazingly clean, simple, and inviting, and you’ll avoid the pesky bulk.

minimalist baby products crib bedding

4. Aden and Anais swaddle blankets

I’m sure you’ve heard of these. They’re truly very nice. The beautiful thing about them is their versatility.

By my second child, I used these for swaddling, burp rags, nursing covers, a light blanket and even a quick diaper changing surface. Instead of carrying 4 things in my diaper bag, I just had one that could be what I needed it to be. For me, that was much simpler than hauling around and rustling through needless excess.

minimalist baby blankets

5. Phil&Teds Poppy highchair.

I found this minimalist baby product through research after being literally disgusted by the cleanliness of my daughters Chicco highchair (it was impossible to keep clean with so many cracks and crevices for gunk to build up and hide).

This looks like a clean mama’s dream come true. I love that it converts to a child’s chair as well. My friend loves hers, and I hope to get one for baby #4 due in December!

minimalist baby high chair

6. Jumperoo

This awesome toy replaces the need for several others. It offers the playtime of an exersaucer combined with the fun and “exercise” of a jumper.

All three of my kids loved this jumperoo and spent up to an hour a day happily playing in it, making it well worth the investment for us (of money and space). Buy this and skip the exersaucer to save space. It is the only “big toy” you’ll need.

minimalist baby products jumper

7. Baby Bjorn bib

I’ve tried many different bibs for table food, and this is by far the most effective and efficient. And I only ever need one, compared to a drawer-full of cloth bibs!

I wash it after each meal when I’m washing the dishes. It dries quickly on the drying rack or can be wiped dry. It is always ready for the next snack or meal. Being able to stick with one bib is a big clutter-saver. This is another one of my favorite minimalist baby products!

minimalist baby products bib

8. Create a dresser-top changing table.

Minimize the need for furniture in your nursery by placing a changing pad on a dresser rather than using a separate changing table.

Simple, yet effective!

minimalist baby products changing pad

9. Convertible swing

Swings and a bouncy seats can be worthwhile (although I’ve found that some babies like swings more than others). Since both take up floor space, this two-for-one option will help you consolidate if you’d like to have both on hand.

minimalist baby products swing

10. Convertible crib

Convertible cribs prevent the perceived need for a separate toddler bed. I say “perceived” because I had neither a convertible crib nor a toddler bed, and my daughter did just fine going straight to a twin. However, many of my friends have convertible cribs, and they’re practical, functional and beautiful. They are also able to use them as a headboard when the child grows out of their toddler bed.

minimalist baby products crib

These are my recommendations for the best minimalist baby products. These products will help you streamline, simplify, and consolidate your baby gear. What great products have you found?

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  1. Lisa Edwards says:

    Hi Katie,
    Wonderful post it is. These 10 baby products are too good and also more helpful. I will definitely share these with my friends and other family members. It will definitely help them. Thanks for your wonderful baby products article….

  2. I also support those 10 items as perfect baby gear,for a newborn baby. I will try to follow this idea,and also will help others. Thank you.

  3. Ai says:

    I had to laugh about the strollers. We are that family with too many strollers! Also, ikea has a similar bib to the baby bjorn kind, and it’s way cheaper.

  4. Valerie says:

    As far as high chairs go, we’ve been really happy with the Fisher Price Booster seat. It straps on to a regular chair, and it folds up for travel. It takes up way less space than a traditional free standing high chair. The only thing is you do have to have a chair to strap it to, so it reduces the number of “adult” chairs you have available. Its all plastic (no padding) so it’s easy to clean.

    I also will say I love Henry’s convertible crib, and he does too!

  5. Michelle says:

    I too strongly “dislike” our Chicco highchair, it’s impossible to clean and we are on the 3rd padding. We have other Chicco products that we love, but agree the highchair needs some work. Thankfully our littlest is almost done with it, can’t wait 🙂 Great list of practical ideas Katie!!

    • Thanks Michelle! I don’t understand why they were/are so popular, but I definitely got sucked in. I am hoping for a third child (someday), so my highchair freedom is still theoretically pretty distant. That must be a good feeling though… 🙂 Something to look forward to.

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