
Don’t Underestimate Your Child’s Capabilities

This is a guest post by my amazing mother-in-law, who raised three self-reliant, confident, capable sons –one of whom I get to be married to! Don’t underestimate your children. They are more capable than you think. When I had my first child, he started crawling and getting into my kitchen cabinets. I remember telling my mom “I don’t know how… Read more


Praying with Your Children About Sickness or Injury

You know those really bad sinus headaches where you don’t want to move a muscle in your face? what you should know about sinus infections? So you walk around with your mouth hanging open and your eyes half shut because somehow that feels a bit better? I was having one of those the other night as part of a cold I’ve… Read more


For the Mom Who’s Weary of Entertaining Her Children

  In our culture, we moms often feel that we should provide our young children with constant entertainment, stimulation, and child-centered activity. So we pour our energy into providing just that. But eventually, we begin to feel exhausted, weary and overwhelmed. We can’t get our housework done or pursue other interests, let alone rest, so we resort to turning on the T.V.… Read more


How I Get My 3-Year-Old to Clean Her Room in 5 Minutes a Day

    Getting kids to clean their rooms is a challenge at any age. However, a clean room builds a disciplined life, as well as increasing the overall quality of one’s life, so I believe it’s a challenge worth accepting. When my oldest turned three a few months ago, I decided it was time to give her some responsibility. She is expected to… Read more


How to Pray with Your Children: Voicing Your Silent Prayers

I want my children to understand the nature and power of prayer. I want them to be in constant communication with their Heavenly Father. As a Christ-follower, I find myself praying silently often as I respond to God’s open invitation to come before His throne with any request, fear, insecurity, thanksgiving, or praise (Hebrews 4:16). So, what better way to… Read more

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