Showing Christ in the Way We Give Gifts this Christmas

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Christmas is a wonderful time of year. It provides an opportunity to experience and express gratitude to God for sending His Son Jesus to Earth, God with us.

But we can also easily gloss over or completely miss that most central part of the holiday season in the hustle and bustle this Santa-centered culture.

So how do we turn the tide towards Christ at this time of year, really and truly? I think there is more for us than merely sitting through a Christmas Eve service at church.

One way that we do this in our family is in the way we give gifts. Gift-giving can be a powerful force in the Kingdom of God… or it can lead hearts totally away from Him through greed and materialism. I’ve experienced both in my own life.

So, how do we give gifts in such a way that we will point hearts back to Christ?

Today I’m posting at Read the rest here!


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