EP6 | Discipline Before Desire: How to cultivate longing for God

We know that we want to hunger and thirst for God, but sometimes we just… don’t.

And yet, each day we spend on this earth is a holy opportunity to live in an eternally meaningful way. If we fail to do that, the opportunity is lost forever. If we allow ourselves to wrap up in the wrong things, the implications are profound. If we allow ourselves to love the world more than our Savior, the results are tragic.

So, is there a way to cultivate desire for God in our lives where it lacks? We think so!

In this episode I’m so excited to introduce you to a very important person in my life. She is one of my long-time best friends, and I think you’ll quickly see why I count her as such a blessing.

Please join us as we talk about:

  • the principle of discipline before desire
  • how to really find time to spend with God as a busy mother or individual
  • the fruit born in our lives through patient endurance

Start living a deeper life and get to know the God who created you and loves you.


Additional Resources

Kristi’s chronological reading plan: A tried and true Bible reading plan for the linear thinker. 🙂

Why You Should Read the Bible Through in a Year in 2018 blog post— Similar to this podcast in a summarized, consumable and sharable format.

One Year Bible*– The Bible divided up into 365 readings and dated.

One Year Chronological Bible*– The Bible put into chronological order and divided up into 365 readings and dated. Katie’s pick for 2018.

Kristi’s facebook post which inspired this interview:


Scriptures Mentioned

Revelation 5— “then I saw a lamb that looked as if it had been slaughtered… and He was able to break the scroll”

Revelation 19— the Rider on the White Horse

Philippians 1:6— “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

James 4:8— “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”


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*Affiliate links used where appropriate. Thank you!

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