EP5 | Our Challenge for You in 2018: Read the Bible in a Year

Have you ever taken the time to read the Bible through?

  • If not, we think now is the time.
  • If so, we want you to consider reading it again, and within a year.

Join us as we cast vision for the importance of living in light off the whole counsel of the eternal word of God.

Additional Resources

Why You Should Read the Bible Through in a Year in 2018 blog post— Similar to this podcast in a summarized, consumable and sharable format.

One Year Bible*– The Bible divided up into 365 readings and dated.

One Year Chronological Bible*– The Bible put into chronological order and divided up into 365 readings and dated.


Scriptures Mentioned

John 17:3 “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”


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*Affiliate links used where appropriate. Thank you!

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