One Thing to Stop and One Thing to Start When You Feel You’re Failing as a Homemaker

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Some women make running a home look effortless and easy!

The only problem is, it’s not easy, and it does, in fact, take a lot of work, strategy and well-placed effort.

As I ventured into my new-found role as a homemaker, I expected to be amazing at it –a true natural. 

Unfortunately, instead of Martha Stewart, I found within myself tendencies of overwhelm and idleness. Despite having all day to devote to one immobile baby and my home, my efforts were frustrated. I was genuinely puzzled about why this wasn’t coming easily to me as it seemed to for others.

Over time, I figured out a few things. Read a bit of what I learned today at!
…And don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to revolutionize the way you approach homemaking with my brand new eCourse: Help for the Hopeless Homemaker!


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