One Small Habit for a Put-Together Life in 2016

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one small habit for a put together life in 2016

For those of you who were reading the blog over the summer, you may remember I took an online course called Make Over Your Mornings by Crystal Paine (Money Saving Mom).

That course gave me both drive and direction to create a plan for my mornings and use them in an effective and disciplined way.

I implemented everything I learned, and it was amazing! 

I truly felt on top of my days. Life felt put-together. I began systematically working towards and achieving goals. I was praying more and reliably spending time reading the Bible daily. I was energized and disciplined and so satisfied!

However, my then 4-month-old baby turned a corner by both sleeping less at night and simultaneously requiring my body to produce more milk as she grew quite quickly. I was sleep deprived and was unable to nap or rest as I had when my first, and even second, babies were little.

I realized I was wearing down physically. I needed more sleep.


So, I entered into a season of intentional resting. I let my body give the cues, rather than my heady goals. If I felt tired, I allowed myself sleep. If I woke up early, I would utilize that time as I had learned to do. I knew instinctively that I was at a critical juncture and needed to take care of myself physically before I could hope to be healthy or useful in any other way. I think that’s okay too. Maybe that’s where you are? (If so, here’s why one mom doesn’t get up before her kids).

Now again, I find myself turning a page. It’s a new year, baby is sleeping better, and I’m ready for that put-together life again.

So I’m pulling out my notes. I’m making a resolution. As Crystal Paine teaches in the course, it all starts with being disciplined enough to go to bed on time, and them follows with getting up before the crazy starts.

Getting up a bit early to give oneself some space is a worthy resolution and truly does foster that “put-together life” feeling.

It allows us to chip away at goals, and prioritize what we claim matters most to us.

Would it be worth a little extra discipline for you to gain the satisfaction of a put-together in 2016?

If so, I would encourage you to create a morning routine (you can tweak it as needed), and commit to implementing it every weekday for one month. This might include exercise, spending time with God and praying, getting ready, making a plan for the day, unloading the dishwasher, or any number of things that would give you a sense of preparedness for the day ahead.

Perhaps this would even provide a framework for you to read the Bible through in 2016?

If you need help finding motivation, gaining vision, and working out your morning routine according to your needs and lifestyle, the Make Over Your Mornings course would be very helpful to you.

And, now until January 8th, it is on sale for $9. That’s the lowest it’s ever been!


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  1. Sarah Ann says:

    I love the encouragement to listen to your body for its cues for rest. I LOVE getting up before my children to pray and work on the blog. My daughter has Autism and will often get up (for good) around 2,3,or 4 am, which leaves me exhausted and off of my rhythm. This year, while I am still going to embracing mornings when I can, I will have intentional rest so I can be the best mom and wife God called me to be. It was a blessing to find your blog and I’m a new follower now! I can’t wait to read more!

  2. Katie

    I love this! This is the most well-balanced talk on the subject that I’ve seen! Thank you for publishing this (and for including me!)


  3. I love getting up early before my kids, but I am in one of those seasons where it’s just hit or miss too. My fatigue with this pregnancy has been the worst it’s ever been and resting in the afternoon is becoming much more difficult with where my kids are with their naps. I really do look forward to being able to get up again consistently– hopefully before the baby is born in May (because you know it’s not happening after that!).

    • Pregnancy fatigue is the worst. 🙁 Fortunately for me, I also had pregnancy insomnia, so getting up early was a blessing. I am glad you give yourself margin to do what you need to do! One day we’ll be done having babies and we’ll have more energy than we know what to do with! 🙂 🙂 I’m kinda hoping my time has come for that, although I stay tired until I’m done nursing. 4 more months!

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