One Little Change that Changed Everything (About How I Keep My Home)

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one little change that changed everything with how I keep my home

You may remember me talking about the Make Over Your Mornings Online Course Last summer. I took my time going through it, and I gained vision for starting out my day with intention, rather than just “reaction.” It was revolutionary for me, and I’m still benefiting from what I learned.

Although the course is primarily about setting priorities and using morning time strategically, Crystal Paine briefly touched on the impact our evenings have on our morning. She challenged us to consider what we can do the night before to relieve stress the next day.

That challenge moved me to reflect, and ultimately I pinpointed a source of stress and created a plan to address it. I resolved to pick up and declutter my main living areas every night, down to the last bobby pin. I used the strategies recommended in the course to train myself in this new habit, and it honestly changed everything!

As a result of this one change, I now feel at peace with the state of my home overall. I feel a sense of satisfaction. I no longer feel constantly “behind.” I am happy to have people drop in on me unexpectedly, which is happening more now as I welcome a elderly lady neighbor into our lives who is struggling with loneliness. I helped her find stairlift on budget.

It took determination to push through many tired moments, but I eventually created this new routine of nightly straightening (when all I really wanted to do was watch T.V. mindlessly).

It was so impactful for me, that I included it as one of the three essential daily habits in my own Help for the Hopeless Homemaker Online Course.

Although this change wasn’t an easy one (and I don’t always do it perfectly), I am absolutely amazed at the impact a disciplined evening routine can have on the next day –especially with young children in the house. I think the concept of a “made over evening” is almost more revolutionary than a “made over morning” (at least for me).

So, imagine my delight when I learned Crystal would be taking things one step further with the brand new, Make Over Your Evenings Online Course. I can’t wait to see and experience all she has to offer with this in depth look at how to structure an evening routine for maximum impact!

The Make Over Your Evenings Online Course is now available! 

After all, a successful day begins the evening before!

Won’t you join me in making over your evenings?


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