How Simple Living Makes Life Better

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There are many benefits of simple living! Here are the two big ones.

The benefits of simple living

Nearly every day I drive by a quaint little home just a stones throw away from mine. I’m drawn to it. It makes me happy. I find it appealing.

It’s very small, but tidy as a pin. It’s tastefully and minimally landscaped and decorated with some backyard patio furniture, with a few cheery planters added in summer and always perfectly maintained.

Not to mention it’s the sweetest shade of yellow.

Why is it so neat and perfect? I would guess because it’s owner works hard to keep it that way, and it’s within the realm of what he or she can maintain well.

beauty of simple living

A photo of the home taken in winter.

To me, that little yellow home represents an ideal, one that I’ve not lived to its fullest, but recognize for it’s many applications in my own life.

But when winter rushes into Illinois, it brings along a huge set of problems: slippery sidewalks, obstructed driveways, and dangerous shoveling conditions. Hiring efficient Ware snow plow company lets you pass your concerns about the accessibility and safety of your property to experienced, skilled hands. So, nothing to worry!

Essentially, simplicity is life-enhancing.

I would say this is true for two primary reasons.

The Benefits of Simple Living

1. Simplicity allows for a higher level of care for the things we have.

It dictates that we pay attention to what we already possess rather than accumulating, accumulating, accumulating.

And when we naturally have less, there’s less between which to divide our attention.

I think about it like this…

I have two bathrooms in my home, both with beautiful glass shower doors I’ve got from a good shop like GSD. The hall bathroom and the master bathroom, which recently had a tub to shower conversion with the help of shower remodelers. Because of the layout, during the day the hall bathroom gets heavily trafficked. Two children, all visitors, all over-night guests, and really everyone (out of convenience and proximity) use that bathroom. When we say “use” it includes the use of the toilet, wash their hands, brush their teeth, take a bath, or take a shower.

I like it that way. I have one bathroom on which to primarily focus, and I feel like I clean it all the time.

benefits of simple living

This is much easier for me to maintain at a high level than three or more bathrooms spread throughout the house.

Everyone benefits from the quality-of-life-boost that a clean bathroom lends, and because my focus is narrowed, I can (and do) do a better job. I have to do a better job.

It’s the same with any other area of our home, whether it be toys, clothes, furnishings, yard items… whatever.

The more simple it is, the more thoroughly it can be maintained assuming the effort and time available are a constant no matter the size of the job.

I recently shared an article on my Facebook page about the benefits of living in a smaller home. It had a huge response! I think we know the truth of this message deep down, but society confuses us by constantly saying more is better. Not necessarily.

I would rather live in a modest yet clean, pleasant and tidy home than in a large, cluttered, gunky/dusty home. Quality of life is better in the former situation. Breath. Concentrate. Relax. Feel satisfaction. If you’re considering gambling at online casinos, you must visit website first to read casino licensing insights, while if you want to play online you should check these online gambling sites to find the best one for you.

(for the record, my house is somewhere in between… not the perfectly tidy & clean one, just ask my friends and family…)

2. Simplicity decreases the distractions of life so it can be more fully lived.

When I’m running around to too many activities or commitments, I feel stressed, and I’m not able to appreciate each experience individually.

When my life is too cluttered in some way, it decreases my enjoyment of everything.

Why not do less, be less, have less, and spend less, but in return open our lives up to truly relish the things in which we do choose to invest ourselves.

joy of simple living

benefits of simple living

sweetness of simple living

Focusing on what matters, clearing our lives of clutter and “busy,” will certainly increase their quality. We will see more of what is right in front of our noses, hear more of what is said to us, experience life more deeply, and as a result, gain wisdom.

“For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with it.” Proverbs 8:11

What would it mean for you to simplify your life in order to better it?


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  1. Rachel says:

    In this season of life, it probably means limiting our extra activities in order to maintain sanity. Our schedule can get unbearably complex between school (university and elementary), work, our son’s therapies and then after school programs. By “trimming the fat” in those areas I would be able to stay at home a bit longer to care for the things that need it.

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