My Homemaking Mentor is Now Available!

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The possibilities of community are changing!

Where we were once limited by our proximity to others, now we have the unique opportunity to learn from godly women around the globe via the internet. This allows us to soak in a variety of perspectives and glean from those with varying areas of expertise!

Mentoring is a valuable model for growth, and homemaking is no exception. Whether or not you have an in-person mentor as a homemaker, you now have the opportunity to have one online.

If you have a desire to grow and hone your vision for homemaking, as well as your practical knowledge, My Homemaking Mentor is for you!


What is My Homemaking Mentor?

It is an online training academy that includes:

  • A suite of 10 video-based courses (with five more to be added!)
  • 8 amazing mentors with varying perspectives and areas of expertise
  • Instruction to give you the hands-on, practical training that you need to craft a Gospel-Centered home and find real and lasting peace for your family

All the courses are available on one easy-to-use site. Simply bookmark the site, login and you’re ready to go!

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Each course stands alone, with approximately 60-90 minutes of video teaching and accompanying notes, exercises or other materials.

What courses are included?

So much! At launch, ten courses are available within the Academy. However, five more will be added within the next several months.

Right now, My Homemaking Mentor Includes:

1. The Basics of Your Homemaking by Jami Balmet

In this course you will learn what it means to be a godly homemaker, how to create a Gospel-Centered home (and why you need to), how to create a family mission statement and how to craft priorities for your life and home.

2. Learning to Live Intentionally by Leigh Ann Dutton

This is a 10-part course, exploring day-by-day what it means to live a life of purpose, focus and intention. It is designed to help you clear the clutter of your life so you can start living for Christ today!

3. The Art of Being A Wife Who Cultivates a Fulfilling Marriage by Jolene Engle

In this course, you’ll learn the art of sharing your heart with your man so the two of you can connect on a deeper, emotional level. Be prepared to be challenged!

4. Simple Routines to Keep Order in Your Home by Marci Farrell

Do you need a little help in keeping thing in order? In this course, Marci walks you room by room through her simple cleaning routines. This course includes how-to videos!

5. Modesty, Grace and a Minimal Wardrobe by Katie Bennett

That’s me! 🙂 In this course you will learn a Biblical perspective on modesty and vanity, and a rationale for taking care in your appearance. (Hint: the heart matters more than outward appearance). I will share a bit of my story, plus teach you the basic concepts of a minimal wardrobe, and how to set one up for yourself! I will teach you the 1/22nd rule and give you six strategies for figuring out your best style!

6. How to Cultivate Mentorship in Your Life by Angie Tolpin

Do you have trouble forming deep relationships? Are you clueless as to how to go about forming mentoring relationships? In this course, Angie walks you through the basics of Christ-Centered relationships.

7. A Heart for Hospitality by Jami Balmet

Discover what it means to serve God from within our homes through the Biblical art of hospitality. This course includes a both Biblical and practical training!

8. 100 Ways to Love Your Husband by Lisa Jacobson

Build communication, respect and friendship in your marriage. In this course Lisa teaches how to cultivate the perspective of learning to love your husband as a life-long journey. It’s a sweet, and encouraging course!

9. An Intro to a Healthy Home by Sienna Carlton

In this course you will learn practically how to move your home in a more natural, healthful direction.

10. Spiritual Disciplines for Busy Homemakers by Jami Balmet

Let Jami guide you to put a few spiritual disciplines in place, which will, in turn, help you grow in your relationship with God!

[button url=”″]Learn more and preview each course HERE.[/button]

If you enroll by July 27th, you get even more!

Lifetime access to My Homemaking Mentor will normally sell for $99, which is a great value considering the power it has to create lasting change in your life and home.

BUT, this week only, the complete training academy is on sale for only $70! That breaks down to only $4.66/course!

What’s more, because it’s launch week, there are some fun bonuses you will get if you act now.

And Another BONUS: Get a free t-shirt from ME!

If you purchase My Homemaking Mentor THIS WEEK (now through July 27th) using my link, I will send you a free t-shirt!

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 9.21.43 AMHere’s what you need to know about the t-shirt bonus:

  • If you pre-enrolled in the the academy back in April or purchased it through another website, you are not eligible for this bonus. You must purchase MHM through my affiliate link, found throughout my site –I’m using my commission to pay for this freebie!
  • If you live in the United States, shipping will also be free of charge. If you live outside of the United States, you will have to pay a $15 international shipping fee to claim this bonus. Sorry about that!
  • TO CLAIM YOUR FREE T-SHIRT: After you’ve purchased My Homemaking Mentor, head over to my shop, and add the appropriate size to your cart. When it’s time to check out, use coupon code MHMBONUS to get the shirt for free.
  • The order will begin processing immediately, however I must still verify that you purchased My Homemaking Mentor through my link. I will not be able to confirm this until after the sale period has ended. If there is a discrepancy, I will be in contact with you to try to get it cleared up! Please only use the coupon code if you are eligible!
  • IF YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE BONUS, but you still want the t-shirt, you can buy one here! They are really cute, and are available this week only!
  • Because I’m having these t-shirts printed after collecting orders, it will be 1-2 months before you receive it. They will need to be printed and shipped to me in mass, and then reprocessed and reshipped to you!

If you are looking for premium apparel fulfillment and printing fulfillment company, then you can check out this screen print drop shipping services here for great help!


[button url=”″]Buy it HERE: My Homemaking Mentor[/button]

[button url=””]Get your t-shirt HERE with coupon code MHMBONUS[/button]


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