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Spiritual Growth


How to Get Free Christian Books by Mail (Hard Copy)

Would you like to get free Christian books by mail to help you and your children grow spiritually? Here’s how! You guys! Tyndale House Publishers just mailed me a hard copy book for free! I didn’t make a purchase, I wasn’t marketed to and I didn’t pay shipping. How did this wonder happen, you ask? Turns out they have a really… Read more


Finding Sabbath Rest When It’s Just Plain Hard

Sometimes finding time to have a personal, weekly Sabbath rest is so difficult, we throw up our hands and give up. However, God is challenging me to get creative and find a way, despite the busyness of life. A few weeks ago I sat in church and listened to a compelling teaching on the problem of hurry. The pastor spoke of our… Read more


How to Worship God When You Pray and Why You Should

How do your prayers sound? If you’re like most of us, they probably a involve mostly a lot of requests on behalf of others and a lot of “me’s.” Help me, heal me, change me, guide me, forgive me. These are all wonderful and powerful prayers to pray. However, unfortunately, that’s as far as many of us ever get. Our prayers… Read more


9 Bible Verses to Usher You Into the Presence of God

Sometimes the most powerful motivator for me to slow the busyness of life to BE with God is a simple invitation, spoken straight from His Word. To such an invitation, my spirit can’t help but say, “yes!” As I talked with one of my nearest, dearest friends this week, she mentioned a list she’d curated of Bible verses about spending time with God.… Read more


How to Not Be Misled by Wrong Bible Teaching

Do you ever worry that you’ll be sucked in by bad or wrong Bible teaching? I know this has been a fear of mine at times, and I have talked to others who are truly concerned about this. Or worse, many Christians don’t fear this enough, and are sitting in churches or around tables with friends where they are hearing wrong things and… Read more


Loving People Well: Tips for Encouraging Each Other Biblically

At times we all receive and probably give encouragement that sounds cliché, overly-optimistic, or maybe just very superficial—i.e., “Don’t worry, everything is going to turn out fine.” But even as we say it, we are half-wondering if it is true ourselves.  So, how can we encourage people in a deep, honest and scriptural way?  The Bible offers some insights into… Read more


Loving People Well: 4 Tips to Make You a Better Listener

  In today’s world of multitasking, smartphones, and constant entertainment, listening is becoming something of a lost art. But it’s so incredibly important for deep, meaningful and fulfilling relationships. Take these tips and corresponding Bible verses as food for thought and as an opportunity to reflect on how well you’ve been listening to those in your life lately. 4 Tips for… Read more


How to Start a Christian Accountability Group (for Moms)

If you are longing for intentional friendship, this post will teach you how to start a Christian accountability group to fill that need! “I’m want my life to be consumed by God,” Lindsey confided to me, as she and I walked back to our cars on a beautiful, warm night last summer. “I’m hungry for Jesus,” she continued. “I feel… Read more


Prayer Closet: How to Create One and Why You Should

Would you like to add focus to your prayer life? Consider creating your very own prayer closet to help you do just that! Here’s how… Have you ever considered creating a “prayer closet”…  a place where you can go to alone, in privacy, to spend quality, focused prayer time? This is something I have found beneficial in my distracted life, to… Read more

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