
22 Productive Things to Do When You’re Tempted to Dawdle

I love Anne Ortlund. For those of you who don’t know of her, she’s a noted Christian author from the 70’s and 80’s. I have a special connection with her because she “discipled” or spiritually mentored a woman named Jen. Jen later discipled me during my time with the Navigators Campus Ministry at the University of Missouri. Jen had a profound impact on… Read more


How to Make Your Home More Managable

The Concept If you’re like me, it can be hard to keep your home under control. Between the constant activity and needs of the family, the messes and disorder are literally unending. However, this frustrating cycle is changing for me. That’s because I’ve discovered an extremely liberating concept to make my home more manageable. It goes something like this: If you… Read more


How to Start a Christian Accountability Group (for Moms)

If you are longing for intentional friendship, this post will teach you how to start a Christian accountability group to fill that need! “I’m want my life to be consumed by God,” Lindsey confided to me, as she and I walked back to our cars on a beautiful, warm night last summer. “I’m hungry for Jesus,” she continued. “I feel… Read more


Today’s Project: Simplify Your Utensil Drawer

This is a series in which we resource and challenge you to simplify a different area of your home each week. So let’s get at it! The Utensil Drawer I am not the most logical person. For most of my life I’ve moved through my days doing things as I’ve always done them, never evaluating my actions for efficiency. Fortunately, my husband is logical… Read more


A Fresh Look at Biblical Modesty

Biblical Modesty You’ve probably heard the word modesty at some point. It most often refers to wearing enough clothing to avoid indecency. And yes, that is an absolutely essential part of being modest. But modesty is more than that. It’s a deep, rich, God-honoring concept, which should never be reduced to just real estate coverage. 1 Timothy 2:9-10, “I want women to be… Read more


Prayer Closet: How to Create One and Why You Should

Would you like to add focus to your prayer life? Consider creating your very own prayer closet to help you do just that! Here’s how… Have you ever considered creating a “prayer closet”…  a place where you can go to alone, in privacy, to spend quality, focused prayer time? This is something I have found beneficial in my distracted life, to… Read more


Today’s Project: Simplify Your Email Inbox

This is a series in which we resource and challenge you to simplify a different area of your home each week. So let’s get at it! Email Inbox Do you have hundreds or thousands of emails in your inbox? Do you lose track of email you meant to address in some way? Do you feel overwhelmed when you open it? Do… Read more


How to Pray with Your Children: Voicing Your Silent Prayers

I want my children to understand the nature and power of prayer. I want them to be in constant communication with their Heavenly Father. As a Christ-follower, I find myself praying silently often as I respond to God’s open invitation to come before His throne with any request, fear, insecurity, thanksgiving, or praise (Hebrews 4:16). So, what better way to… Read more

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