A Peek Behind the Scenes and What’s Coming Next at Embracing a Simpler Life!

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Life is full right now. And good. 🙂

Normally winters seem hard with little kids –particularly February. Where I live, February is usually a cold, long month (no matter that it’s actually shorter than the rest), with little sunshine and even fewer opportunities to get out of the house.

This year however, it hasn’t been bad at all! I think it’s because of the beautiful weather we’ve had peppered throughout the month. We’ve been able to get outside and enjoy fresh air and activity.


Or maybe the month hasn’t been so bad because my perspective as a mother has undergone a shift as I’ve listed to Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full on audiobook. (I highly recommend it!)

Or maybe it’s because I’ve accepted and embraced this season of motherhood, with all its limitations and work.

Or maybe it’s because I’ve been working on some exciting projects behind the scenes!

A Brand New eCourse!

I’m pleased to announce that in just one week, I will be launching my very first online course! I cannot wait to roll this out to you!

It’s called the Help for the Hopeless Homemaker Online Course, and it will become available in just one week! (eek!)

Logo with house, no tag line

This eCourse has truly been a labor of love over the past 8 or 9 months! I have invested significant resources and time into its creation because I’m passionate about helping women who, like me, struggle to get a reliable and systematic handle on their homes in the midst of a hectic life.

When I started my career as a homemaker and mother, I found that things didn’t “click” as I expected. My friends made it look easy, but something was clearly not connecting with me. My work at home was disorganized and dependent on my mood, and my approach to running my home was not particularly effective or reliable.

At times, I felt I was a hopeless case!

I knew I wanted to make fundamental changes, but I wasn’t sure how. However, over the course of years, I figured a few things out.

Help for the Hopeless Homemaker is essentially my journey to becoming the homemaker I wanted to be –the homemaker I believe God is calling me to be. It is everything I learned over a long period of time condensed down into a sequential and bite-sized course.

I hope this course will be a blessing!

Okay, I’ve said enough… 😀 More to come next week!

What have you been up to lately?


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  1. I agree– this winter hasn’t seemed very bad at all! We have enjoyed the snow days and also been so thankful for the warm days mixed in. I do feel quite ready for Spring though and am looking forward to more park days and picnics in the sun!

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