
3 Truths to Teach Your Emotional Child

Today I’m giving you a peek into one way I parent my emotional child, who shall remain nameless… 😉 Let’s just say, feelings run high for this little one. But as she’s gotten older, we’ve uncovered two empowering truths to teach her. These truths have made a difference in her ability to cope with and overcome her own emotions (both rational and irrational). So, I’m… Read more


How to Set Clear and Realistic Expectations for Your Children

Let’s say that you have planned a fun day out with your kids. You imagine everyone enjoying themselves and appreciating you, their loving mother for planning this wonderful day. In reality, you are scrambling to get everyone out the door looking presentable. You get to your destination and your kids go wild, running in separate directions. This leaves you feeling… Read more


Sharing the Gospel with Our Children Starts Here

“How do I share the gospel with my children?” you wonder. It starts with lovingly helping them see their need for a Savior starting from a young age. The gospel is the good news that Jesus has sacrificed Himself in our place to pay for our sins. It’s the good news that we can have eternal life through His death and… Read more


Asking God for a Prayer for Each Child

One of the neatest things I’ve done in my prayer life is ask God for specific prayers to pray for my children. It all started when a close friend shared that, ever since her son was quite young, she’d had it on her heart to pray that he would be one who includes others. She asked God to give him a heart to… Read more


Family Night Ideas: How We Do Family Night (In 5 Simple Steps)

A weekly family night will help you strengthen your family relationships. These family night ideas are simple yet effective at doing just that! We recently launched an official family night around our house. It’s on our shared iCloud Calendar, currently set to repeat every Wednesday night into eternity. I want to share a little bit about what we’re doing as we figure this… Read more

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