I am always interested in guest submissions! If you would like to submit a post, please consider the following:
- It must be original content (may not have appeared on your blog or site previously).
- It must be 400-700 words.
- It may include pictures.
- I prefer submission with full HTML (you can write the post in your blog composer/editor and then click over to the HTML option and copy the information.) However, if you don’t have a blog, you can submit your post in a Word document.
- Include a bio (about 50 words) and a photo of yourself sized to 150px by 150px.
- Post should fit with the theme and tone of Embracing a Simpler Life.
- Post will be edited for format, flow and grammatical errors before publication.
Please email your post draft to embracingasimplerlife (at) gmail (dot) com for consideration.
Thank you!