Creating a “Stop Doing List” for a Priority-Driven Life

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Creating a “stop doing list” can be a great way to rein ourselves back in when our lives don’t match our priorities.

Stop Doing List

I’ve been slowly working my way through the Make Over Your Evenings Course, which has been great!

Each lesson is so impactful for me, I can spend a month in between them just implementing what I’ve learned so far with great results! The fact that I’m slowly making my way through has actually helped it soak into my life more deeply.

Up to this point, one of my two biggest takeaways has been the concept of a “stop doing list.”

Basically, the idea is to make a list of things that we do, but shouldn’t do, because they don’t actually match our priorities and only clutter up our lives.

So, prompted by an assignment in the course, I created my own stop doing list.

My Stop Doing List

As I thought about it, the main thing I came up with was my lack of boundaries with work. I tend to pick up my computer as soon as I see all my kids happily occupied and not needing or wanting my attention.

However, this makes me feel divided throughout the day. I’m not accomplishing household tasks because I’m mostly focused on my blogging goals.

So, I decided to add “working on the computer between 8:30 am and 1:30 pm” to my stop doing list. I’ve been implementing this boundary for the past month or so with great results! It has cleared up my life in big ways, but it also takes a lot of self-discipline, and I don’t always do it perfectly.

However, for the most part, when there’s downtime between these hours, I am now focused on completing household chores or interacting with my kids. I feel so much better about how I’m using my time overall, and much less divided!

I want to challenge you to do the same. Take some time to think and identify, What would be on your stop doing list?

Tell me in the comments section!

The Make Over Your Evenings and Make Over Your Mornings Courses are on sale this week!

If you’re interested in going through the complete Make Over Your Evenings Course, it is on sale this week only for just $10!

In fact, you can bundle both courses and get them together for just $17!

Normally they sell for $17 each, so that’s half price! These courses will not go on sale again until 2017, so I recommend snagging them now if you’re looking for a little help structuring your daily routines for greater effectiveness heading into this new school year!

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  1. I love this idea of a “stop doing” list. I think I’ve come to a similar revelation about confining blogging to a confined time in order to focus on my most important priorities – my family relationships!

  2. Kristal says:

    This was very inspirational, a stop doing list is a great idea to make sure you are staying focused on your priorities. It is so easy to let little things get in the way if we are not purposeful. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is great. I have been feeling like I need to set time limits on blog work, as well. This week we started back a new routine and I made up a daily schedule, so it should be easier to figure out what times I need to enforce it.

  4. Elizabeth Vann says:

    I love this! I work in the morning until 1 (cant get on phone/social media) then when I get off my focus SHOULD be the kids…. and that is my hearts desire but i catch myself logging onto FB from my phone way more than I need to in the afternoon. I like the idea of implementing a no social media for several hours in the afternoon. This is going to be hard bc half the time I dont even realize i picked up my phone and am scrolling social media… its that much of an impulse! Thanks for this post.

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