Recommended Resources

Resources for Spiritual Growth

I have put together three resources that I believe represent key steps in your journey to embracing a simpler life. This is not just a matter of decluttering. It is a far deeper, and more spiritual matter than you may know.

Heavenly Minded Mom Online Course: learn to see your motherhood and home in light of eternity through this Bible-study style, four-part course.

Free 30 Day “Perspective Building” Scripture Writing Plan: take 30 days to write through scriptures that will change your perspective with this free plan.

Free Sabbath Planning Guide


Must Reads

Very rarely do I come across a book that so impacts me that I want every other woman I know to read it! There have been only two…


Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis

Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full by Gloria Furman


Resources for Children

I am passionate about helping my children know God. These children’s Bibles and storybooks are my favorite for helping them connect with God’s word in an age-appropriate way.

In order from youngest child to oldest:


Read Aloud Bible Stories for Kids (all volumes), great for ages 3-4+

Jesus Storybook Bible, for ages 5-6+

Children’s Easy-to-Read Bible, for ages 6-7+

NIrV Kids’ Quest Study Bible, for ages 7+


Resources for Homemaking


5 Days to Turn Your Life from Intentional to Chaotic, a free email series to help you take steps to simplify your life right now.

Help for the Hopeless Homemaker Online Course, a guide to gain control of your home for God’s glory when it’s not your strong suit.

Homemaker’s Friend Daily Planner, a compact, affordable planner to help organize tasks, meals, days, and more.

My Homemaking Mentor, a comprehensive homemaking training program for Christian homemakers. (I’m one of the mentors!)


Resources for Parenting


Shepherding a Child’s Heart

Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family


Recommended Podcasts


Embracing a Simpler Life

Risen Motherhood, this is my favorite podcast. It has helped me understand the gospel in my motherhood.

Homemaking Foundations

Heidi St John


Fair Trade Shops


Fair Trade Friday

Mercy Shop

Grain of Rice Project

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