Luvs #WhatULuv Baby Party!

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I did something fun this week!

I had the opportunity to partner with Luvs to throw a #whatuluv baby party with my friends!

I got to share about Luvs Ultra Leakguards with Nightlock Plus®, as well as see how much my friends’ babies have grown. Their unique personalities are shining through in so many ways. It was beyond adorable.

The concept was: set aside time for us to get together, with just moms and babies (no older siblings), and fill the time with the friends, snacks, and activities that our babies “luv.”


This might sound simplistic, but each of the babies who attended this party are either a second or third born. And as you may imagine, it’s rare for these little ones to get to do something that’s especially for them. Most of the time, they are asked to go with the flow, which they do wonderfully well.

But, as moms, we also love letting them be in the limelight for a change every once in a while. 


So, we sang songs, played parachute games, blew bubbles, and bopped balloons up in the air.

We ate cut up grapes, bananas and blueberry puffed snacks.

Our babies had our attention, their friends and their toys.




_d4b4808Luvs provided each guest with a package of Luvs Ultra Leakguards with Nightlock Plus®, which we are all really excited about.

Obviously it creates extra work when a diaper overflows in the night, and bedsheets must be changed and washed. Emily is my heaviest wetter to date, so I love that this diaper is designed to prevent that from happening, which keeps my workload down! I am all for that!


Another fun benefit of the party was getting time with my friends. We got to do what we luv too, which is being moms, drinking coffee with yummy hazelnut creamer, talking and eating good food. 🙂




We rounded out the party by creating signs to share what we luv about our little ones…



Thank you to Luvs for sponsoring this post and giving me an excuse to have a party!

Thank you to my friends, who came, brought food and partied. I “luved” the time with you!

Thank you to Kristi, who graciously hosted the party since I’m in the middle of packing up my house to move! You’re house is a blessing to all who enter. 🙂


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  1. Cathrine says:

    Wow Katie that so sweet of you mothers so kul. Am not a mum yet nor married am a student here in my country Kenya in Africa. God willing, The moment when i become a mom i will have the same party for my baby. Those kids felt more love from you mothers. God Bless you all.

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