How to Get the Most Out of the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle

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Today is the last day to purchase the 2016 Homemaking Bundle before it’s gone forever!

If you don’t know, the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is a compilation of over 93 digital resources, including eCourses, eBooks, printables, and membership sites (valued at over $1000), along with over $300 in additional bonuses, ALL FOR ONLY $29.97!

It comes but once a year, and each year the bundle is unique and only available for 5 days!

This is my third year to purchase the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle. I enjoy it because, after collecting a few of these bundles, I have access to a phenomenal library of resources from many of my favorite bloggers on almost every topic.

However, I also know that the excessive-ness of it can work against me. It’s easy for me to get overly-excited, and never settle in on… anything. So, for those of you who have purchased the bundle this week, or who are interested in purchasing it, here are a few ideas.


How to Get the Most Out of the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle

METHOD 1: Choose ONE or TWO resources that you are committed to fully implementing, and do so before moving on.

It’s easy to get “shiny-thing syndrome” with the bundle. One thing distracts me from the next. There are several phenomenal eCourses, but I’m already working my way through the Make Over Your Evenings Online Course (not in the bundle), and I want to stay focused.

So for me, I chose to first hone in on:
  • 81 Quick and Easy Favorite Slow Cooker Recipes
  • Slow Cooker Freezer Meals cookbooks
  • Crockpot Chicken Freezer Meals

I have been looking for easy slow cooker meals, so this was an exciting find! I actually tried my first recipe today!


Through the Membership Bonus, every bundle purchaser will get YEAR-LONG ACCESS to RightNow Media, what I would describe as the Christian version of Netflix! They even have a Roku app!

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Once you’ve hit a groove with your top ONE or TWO resources, double back for more and so on, adding little by little until you’ve fully implemented everything you want to use!

METHOD 2: Create a prioritized list of the books and courses you want to go through and work through it systematically as you’re ready.

This is a great way to create a plan! It will help you stay motivated and excited beyond the first week of owning the bundle. 🙂

My Priority List

I also know I want to go through

Creating a list helps me stay on task and work my way through my “best-fit” resources systematically!

Do not expect yourself to read or use all these resources! Even if you only use a hand full of them, you will still get an excellent value!

METHOD 3: Claim your bonuses as soon as you’re ready!

Just a heads up, many of the bonus offers expire within the next month. So if you want to claim them, don’t wait!


Those who have purchased the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle in the past, how do you get the most out of the experience?

how to get the most out of the ultimate homemaking bundle


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