Why Health Matters and What I’m Doing About It This January
Our lives in this world are as brief as the flowers of the field, which are here today and gone tomorrow. They are as fleeting as an evening shadow.
The only thing that is certain for these bodies of ours is death.
However, in Christ, we have the hope of restoration. We know we will receive a new, glorious body that will not decay or die. We will reign with Christ eternally. There will be no sickness or suffering, and our dwelling place will be with our loving Father. What a hope!
But what about now? How does caring for our earthly bodies line up with eternal, lasting truth? Truly, our hope is not in a long life. Even that ends at a grave.
Our hope certainly is not found in impressing others with our looks.
However, if we receive Christ as our Lord, something miraculous and amazing happens. The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us. We become a physical temple of the Most High God.
This is a mind-boggling truth. This is why we must flee from sin. What relationship can light have to do with darkness?? None.
With that, I think we have a responsibility to take care of God’s temple to the best of our ability, just as the Levites meticulously cared for God’s old covenant temple of wood and stone.
We should have a measure of reverence and awe for God’s holy dwelling place. We should not be idle or lazy or undisciplined in any area of our lives, including the care of our physical-selves. Hospital beds are not just for nursing homes and hospitals anymore. The highest quality hospital beds for home can be a valuable tool to help keep loved ones at home during periods of recovery or illness.
When we take care of our bodies for God’s glory, we able to better fulfill to tasks to which He has called us. May we not pursue vanity, which is truly empty, but may we pursue a healthfulness that will make us more able to do His Kingdom work in the world.
So tell me, what simple things do you do to keep yourself conditioned for a life well lived?
Practically Speaking
All of this makes sense to me in theory, but sometimes actually living it out day to day is harder.
For me, three young children are distracting and consuming, and I tend to resort to defaults and old habits with my daily choices unless I am intentional to do otherwise. We’ve moved recently, but now I’m ready to get into a groove with making good lifestyle choices.
I try to dance around with my children in the morning, eat oatmeal (I feel healthier when I do), drink more tea when I feel like snacking, and actually say no to desserts if I’m not hungry, but I still feel a bit sluggish overall.
I’m ready to take it up a notch and hopefully develop some new routines heading into 2017! The new year is a great time to do that, I think. You may need to review your family health care plan to ensure your family gets the necessary healthcare services. If anything unusual has been happening in the color or texture of your mouth, from persistent white or red patches appearing to lumps forming where there were none or a locked jaw, check with your dentist or orthodontic services to address the problem.
As a mother, I’m also looking into getting therapy and Group Treatment from experts like this Therapist Los Angeles so I can talk about my problems at home and arranging my mental thoughts.
I believe God has entrusted me with a job to do as a mother, homemaker, wife, writer, shower-of-hospitality, and more. There are many different things that I do for His glory. If I am disciplined to take care of myself, I will have more energy and a greater physical, mental and emotional capacity to do them well!
So, in an effort to actually do something about this, I’ve decided to take Crystal Paine’s 15 Days to a Healthier You Challenge.
15 Days to a Healthier You
This is a 15-day live challenge that will take place between January 9th-24th. It involves daily live videos in a private Facebook group, a complete printable guide, daily projects, community and group accountability.

I downloaded the challenge guide. It looks great!
The program goes through a holistic assessment of healthfulness and self-care. It includes diet, delta 8 thc gummies, and exercise, but also far beyond that, which I am excited about!
I also found the most effective aquatic workouts and everyone should definitely try it!
I have loved Crystal’s eCourses in the past because they are simple, realistic and actionable. I am confident that this challenge will be likewise. If you’re looking for a simple way to be more intentional with your health, check it out.

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