
Today’s Project: Simplify Your Refrigerator & Freezer

This is a series in which we resource and challenge you to simplify a different area of your home each week. So let’s get at it! The Refrigerator Does your refrigerator get cluttered? Do you struggle to find things? Have you lost track of what’s in it? Do you have an excess of random jars, bottles, and Tupperware that aren’t getting… Read more


A Little Perspective from the Book of Ecclesiastes

My husband and I recently returned from Maine where we celebrated our fourth anniversary. In the midst of enjoying great adventures together, delicious meals, late night talks, and catching up on sleep, I spent a lot of time along the coast reading one of my favorite books, Ecclesiastes. For me the one word that best captures the heart of Ecclesiastes… Read more


10 Ways to Prioritize Time with God After a Baby

It is important to prioritize time with God after a baby. Otherwise it probably won’t happen. Here’s how you can! Having a baby is a life-altering and life-shaking experience in many ways, including shaking up well-established habits like daily time with God. As fun as the baby shower is, though, the real celebration is still to come with the delivery… Read more


The Call to Selfless Serving: Keeping an Eye on Eternity

My heart grumbles as I do the dishes by myself while my husband watches TV in the other room. I bang the cabinet doors just a little louder as I dramatically rush into the family room to grab the crying baby he seems to be ignoring. He knows I’m ticked, so he offers an explanation, “I’m sorry. I had a… Read more


Why We Turned the Computer Off For 30 Days and 5 Insights I Gleaned

Does anyone else long for the “good ‘ol days?” I mean before Facebook, iphones, TV, up to the minute digital calendars, and our constant availability to anyone and everyone via technology? Back when things MUST have been simpler, slower, sweeter. Hand written notes and face to face conversations were the medium for communication, and relationships were king, not flashing screens. To be honest, I’m… Read more


For Wives: 7 Biblical Tips for Resolving Conflict in Marriage

My husband and I don’t exactly “fight” in the normal sense. I think it’s because we’re both introspective types. In 5 years of marriage, we’ve never yelled at each other or whatever a fight consists of. We’re not above it, so it may happen, but it’s not our natural temperament, and I’m okay with that. However, during these past 5 years… Read more

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