7 Ideas for a Christ-Centered Easter

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7 Ideas for a Christ-centered Easter

I love egg-hunts and traditions and hidden Easter baskets. But more importantly, I love the amazing truths of Jesus life, death and resurrection that we get to celebrate with our children on Easter.

This year in particular, as my kids are getting a little older, I’m looking into what it might mean to turn their attention to Jesus in a fun and age-appropriate way.

Here are my favorite ideas:

1. Resurrection Eggs.

This is a set of 12 plastic eggs. Inside each one is a symbol that represents one aspect of the Easter story.

Many people open these one per day as an advent to Easter activity, but you could also have kids “hunt” these eggs as a way to get them involved in the story and then gather around to tell it.

Another variation of this is to stuff eggs with Bible verses that tell the Easter story.

2. Sense of the Resurrection eBook.

My daughter and I are currently working through this book together. It is a sweet series of 12 craft activities and scripture readings that help young children connect with the Easter story using their five senses.

I also like it because I need this level of motivation and direction to actually do crafts with my kids.

You can find it HERE.

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3. Fill Easter baskets with symbolic items.

For example

  • Things that represent life like kids gardening tools (small trowel, shovel, pail, watering can), seed packets, potted plants, perhaps. …baby chicks!
  • Items for spiritual growth like a new Bible, Christian children’s books or a What’s in the Bible? DVD.
  • Candy with special symbolism such as Rolos (the stone rolled away), etc.

4. Die Easter eggs.

Talk to kids about how they represent new life, like Jesus’ new life after death. Like our new life through Him, both now and eternally.

5. Bake Resurrection Rolls.

These very simple rolls end up hollow in the middle, which provides a fun opportunity talk about Easter’s empty tomb. Find out how to make them HERE.

6. Make a Resurrection Garden.

This one takes some planning. Find out how here.

7. Read the Easter story together as a family

Perhaps from a children’s Bible. My favorite is The Jesus Storybook Bible. We read it often, and my daughter and I love it.

And of course,

8. Go to church! 🙂

How do you put focus on Christ at Easter?


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7 Ideas for a Christ-centered Easter pinPhoto credit: Marie Coleman


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  1. Kara S says:

    Thank for the recommendations! It seems to me like Easter should be a more important holiday than Christmas, yet Christmas definitely gets more emphasis. It’s weird to me.

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