Mothers of Little Ones, I Want You to Read this Book!

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mothers of little ones, read this book-- Treasuring Christ when Your Hands are Full

As I shared in an earlier post, I’ve been incorporating audio books into my week. This has been AMAZING because I’m actually finding time to ingest ideas. I choose books that will stretch and sharpen me. I’m so grateful for this new routine!

A few weeks ago, I was browsing around looking for my next audio book. Although I wasn’t finished with my current selection, I saw a book that instantly grabbed me.

It was as if the Holy Spirit nudged me, and I could see no other option. I was so earnest that I made plans to begin it immediately, asking a friend to go through it with me. That’s unusual, because I don’t normally like to interrupt one book to begin another.


My heart races as I listen to Gloria Furman’s words. Everything in this book is everything I believe and NEED TO HEAR PREACHED BACK TO ME DAILY.

What’s more, it is everything that I want you to hear and believe.

The book Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full will encourage you to live in the truth of the gospel. Like, today. Right now.

It is life-changing.

I’ve already ordered this book in hard copy to compliment my audio version, and I even bought an extra just to have on hand. I know I will listen to it many times over, and also comb through my paper-version with an ink pen. It speaks so much truth that I need to hear in this season of life, and so do you.

This is like reading my heart for my life and my readers’ lives in one neat little package.

Perhaps you have an under-utilized daily commute where you could listen to a book? Or perhaps you enjoy sitting with a hard copy book at the end of a day to unwind?

If you are a mom of little ones, and there is any margin in your life to go through a book, this is a “must-read” for you. Just trust me.

All I really have to say about this whole book is, “what she said.” 🙂

Are you convinced yet?

You can get the audio book for free with a free 30-Day trail at, which is what I use. Once you have an account, you download their app to your smartphone and stream or download your book there directly.

Find the audio version of this book here


From those of you who have read this book… can I get an amen?


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  1. Nancy says:

    I will be ordering this for myself and a few friends tonight!!!

  2. Toni says:

    I want to read this — and I’m not even a mom yet! It seems so full of encouragement and simple sweet truth. Even as a single I have my hands full. I’m a sister, daughter, employee, student, etc. I’m going to give this one a try. I love your idea of listening to audio books! I can do this while I’m doing dishes, or driving to work! 

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