How to Structure Your Day to Live the Life You’re Longing For

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Last week I stumbled upon something.

I didn’t realize how life-changing it would be for me. Now I do.

It was a 14-day online course called Make Over Your Mornings.

My morning routine had been pretty much obliterated over the past year, between the ups and downs of pregnancy and, more recently, life with a newborn baby. I knew I was ready to start fresh.

I decided to purchase the eCourse since it was put out by a blogger I respect and not terribly expensive. Now, 7 day’s in, I’m blown away by how much it’s already helped me!

You guys …whoa.

Mind. Blown.

Here are my initial reactions.

Why I’m loving the Make Over Your Mornings eCourse

1. It’s life changing

You probably think I’m jumping to conclusion too quickly, but I’ve been around long enough to know when I door’s been opened to me and I’m never going back.

Day 2 of the course involves setting up a bedtime routine, which after implementing for the past 5 days has brought a new level of freedom to my life. Huge. Just huge for me.

Being walked through that alone was worth the $17. I didn’t realize how much better my bedtime routine could serve me!

Each day’s assignment has been SO beneficial. I cannot wait to complete the entire course. I think I’m actually going to be exercising daily by the end of it, which is just crazy for me to image.

2. It’s Professional, But Not Expensive

I love Crystal Paine already, but she has done an excellent job with this product. It is well done and pleasant. Each day includes a short video and workbook component. That’s it!

And for $17, it’s a good price compared to most similar eCourses I’ve seen.

3. Low Time Commitment, High Impact

The course is self-paced, but so far, I haven’t missed a day. I’m just that hungry for it. AND it only takes about 15 minutes per day to complete the “course work.” It feels doable. I look forward to it. Not overwhelming.

If you feel worn out, if your morning are stressful, or if you simply know your morning routine (and evening routine) isn’t all that it could be, I would encourage you to check this out!

I’m am totally sold on it. Seriously. This is a God-send for me at this stage in my life, and I cannot say enough good things about it.

It is truly helping me structure my day to live the life I’m longing for.

*Update: Read my follow up thoughts here!


Anyone else doing Make Over Your Mornings?


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  1. Michele says:

    Hi Katie
    I love your blog!
    So needed to read this and start a plan that I can stick with. Thanks for posting! Also I love your mug, do you sell them?

    • I don’t currently sell them, but it’s funny you should mention it, because creating a line of mugs is one of hopes! I actually just created this image in PicMonkey, but I have done some serious research about manufacturing and so far, I just can’t quite figure it out! Lol. Hopefully within the next year!

  2. Jet says:

    Have you tried Flylady and if so how does it compare? Flylady helps you set up routines and is free unless you decide to buy her products, granted there isn’t a workbook but there are videos!
    I’m honestly curious if you’re familiar and can compare for others as well as me. Thanks!

    • I actually heard about Flylady for the first time through this course! Make Over Your Mornings recommends her, and I clicked over to her site. I can’t say I have any experience with her methods, but I will definitely check it out!

  3. Whitney Distler says:

    I’d love to know more too Katie as you get further in the course. Also, would this be effective for a working mama, or is it geared just for a SAHM? Thanks for sharing!

    • It is definitely made for both! Actually the woman who created the course is a work-at-home mom, so she pretty much represents both worlds. The cool thing is, they guide you through setting a routine that matches your life without putting any specific formula on it and state in the course that it’s for either. I’m planning to re-post about it when I’m through with it and have a more complete grasp on it her in a week or two though, so stay tuned!

  4. Rachel says:

    This looks really good! I love productivity and I’m getting nervous about mornings as my son’s first year in public school is coming up. Maybe you can let us know in a week or so how you are doing with it? I would love to know!

  5. Michelle Carver says:

    I’m in! You sold me on it. I desperately need this too.

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