Prayer Closet: How to Create One and Why You Should

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Would you like to add focus to your prayer life? Consider creating your very own prayer closet to help you do just that! Here’s how…

Have you ever considered creating a “prayer closet”…  a place where you can go to alone, in privacy, to spend quality, focused prayer time?

This is something I have found beneficial in my distracted life, to be able to pray more like I want to.  Please take the following as humble suggestions, as I “pull back the curtain” on a very private part of my life– my prayer closet.

Why a Prayer Closet is beneficial

  • Because prayer matters to God and it’s powerful!  James 5:16 says “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
  • In today’s super-electronically connected world, it’s what we need to really be able to quiet our hearts, to hear God’s voice.
  •  It is eye-opening, the things that God wants to reveal to you through a dedicated prayer time—insights into your life, your relationships, your motivations, and understanding God’s purposes.  Jeremiah 33:2-3 “This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it—the Lord is his name:  Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’”
  •  We are commanded to devote ourselves to prayer.  Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.”
  • For the future of us, our children, and our land.  2 Chronicles 7:14 says “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”
  •  We are told to pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:7), and be faithful in prayer.  How often do we actually, currently pray, though?  Probably not as much as we would like or should.  Romans 12:12 “Be hopeful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
  • Following Jesus’ example of withdrawing to a solitary place to pray.  Luke 22:39-46- we see that Jesus withdrew and knelt to pray.  And Mark 1:35 “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
  • We are told to pray in secret (not just to be seen by others).  Matthew 6:5-6  “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.  But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

prayer closet graphic no title

How to set up your own prayer closet

1. Consider if there is an actual extra little closet or space in your house where you can comfortably sit and kneel to pray.

It may currently be used as storage and filled with things, but consider emptying it by selling or giving away excess that you don’t really need.

If a little space like this does not exist in your home, try to be creative with an alternative– is there a space on the floor of your bedroom (not your bed!) where you could be alone, leave a Bible, prayer photo album (see description below), etc.? It just needs to be an electronics free zone (no I Pads, IPhones, Laptops, etc.)

2. Equip your little space with a lamp, if it doesn’t have lighting.

Also, I find it helpful to keep a throw pillow in there, to be a little more comfortable.

3. Print off photos of people in your life that you want to be regularly praying for.

Either put them up on a tack board or in a little prayer photo album that you keep in your prayer closet. Looking at people’s faces seems to help me remember to pray for them, and then to pray more specifically for what they are going through in their lives.

4. Pray using the “ACTS” acronym. Spend time on each “letter”.

Adoration:  Spend some time adoring and worshipping God by declaring things about who He is.  (ie- Altogether good, loving, just, faithful, truth, etc.)  Psalm 145:3 “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;  his greatness no one can fathom.”

Confession:  Spend time confessing your own sins to God.  1 John 1:9- “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Thanksgiving:  Spend time listing out things you are thankful for—finding things to be thankful for will help you understand God’s purposes in hardship.  Ephesians 5:20- “And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”   Psalm 50:23- “But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.  If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.”

 Supplication:  This is the part where you bring your different requests to God—for yourself, for fellow Christians, for people who don’t know Jesus, for our country, for different situations around you and around the world, etc.  1 Timothy 2:1 “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.

4. Pray with an open Bible.

God uses His Word (the Bible) to speak into our lives and reveal  Himself.  I would suggest that this should be an actual hard-copy of the Bible (not electronic), to guard against potential distraction.

5. Keep a journal in your prayer closet.

You will want to be writing down (to remember) the things that God will start revealing to you.  Also, if you journal the things you are praying for, you will be encouraged and praise God when God answers your prayers, in His timing. Otherwise, you might not even notice when God has moved in response to your prayer.

6. Consider getting a book like Operation World to keep in your prayer closet.

This book will help you focus in prayer on a specific people group or country, and their spiritual needs/spiritual state.

7. Spend some time praying in a kneeling position.

Something about kneeling to pray really seems to help humble my heart before God and helps me naturally tend towards worshipping Him. (This does not have to be all your time in your prayer closet—just try it to see if it helps you focus on our glorious God.)

Psalms 95:6 “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”

8. If the idea of spending more extended time in prayer seems overwhelming, set a kitchen timer or a watch

(not your smartphone, for distraction reasons).

Then set the alarm to go off in a set amount of minutes (maybe start with 10 minutes and then add from there).  I think you’ll be surprised how fast time flies, once you really start praying through different people and situations in your life.

9. Just get yourself into your prayer closet.

If you can make it that far, I think that actually praying will be the easier part. Tearing ourselves away from the endless house work, TV, Facebook, e-mail, etc., is the hard part.  That is often what keeps us from hearing from God– being distracted. Don’t be discouraged if this feels unnatural and hard. Prayer is a spiritual discipline, so that infers it will take time, effort and energy.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”  – Hebrews 12:11

The real beauty of having a prayer closet is forcing out all the distractions that keep us from having the kind of prayer life that God desires.

Is prayer closet something that you can see yourself creating?  What are some ways that you currently are protecting and preparing for your dedicated prayer time?


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  1. Rejekibet says:

    I loved this post on creating a prayer closet! It’s inspiring to think about how such a simple space can enhance my spiritual practice. I can’t wait to design my own little sanctuary and make it a regular part of my routine. Thank you for sharing these tips!

  2. Deboran Everist says:

    Wow, we were talking about our women’s retreat focusing on prayer and I wanted to do a segment on the prayer closet as a bulletin board or foldout poster board that would stand on a table creating a space for reflection and prayer. God’s timing is so perfect and this is just what we need to have an orderly presentation and workshop. I was wondering if you have this article as a booklet which I could order 30 of or download so we could print ourselves? If not, may be print this and use it for our women’s group and women’s newsletter? We would definitely post the copyright references if we have your permission. Thank you so much for your website. I just found it on the internet. It is a blessing for our small group. Deboran

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  4. Smith Cash says:

    Fix your broken marriages with Lord Zakuza spells. Get connected to him via his Facebook page @lordzakuzaspells for more information’s.

  5. Lora Cooper says:

    I am new to prayer and would love some tips on where to begin and how to pray. I have a bible but I am overwhelmed at what I don’t understand.
    Looking for help.

  6. rachel frampton says:

    I’m planning to have a prayer room built in my home this year, which is why I’ve decided to start looking for some tips. Well, I agree with you that having this type of room will help me devote myself to prayers with an alert mind. Anyhow, I’ll make sure to look for handpainted ceramic poetry tiles that have God’s words of wisdom in it.

  7. Marybel says:

    When i found this article and read it there is a title to what i have been doing for YEARS (i am a muslimah from Orthodox Jewish parents), i have given half of my room to GoD.
    GoD has been with me throughout my life- its’ highs and lows- and, i think He Deserves half of my room (actually everything is His!).
    My faith in GoD is TiGHT. Nothing separates me from Him. Praise GoD.

  8. Matshidiso says:

    Wow! I’m up for it, though i don’t have a space nor a free room, will definitely create one, God knows where.Amen.Thank you

  9. Precious says:

    i have been using this strategy for prayer for almost 4 years now and what i have benefited so far i canot even begin to explain. i will therefore point out the major outcomes from this kind of prayer strategy:
    1. I am able to converse with God one on one as i have been hearing his voice for the last 3 years.
    2. I am able to see the creatures the devil is using to cause illness in people and when i pray they are removed and the person receives their healing. Diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, sickle cell anemia, heart attacks which apparently are not related to high blood pressure at all, alcoholism, drug addiction etc all are conditions that the demons the devil has placed on us are causing and science is his advocate that explains these things so that we can ‘understand’ them as normal ailments. Through my closet prayer strategy, God has raised me to the level where am able to see these things on people and pray for them to be removed and once that happens, the victim gets healed.
    4. I have received healing from my peanut allergy which almost took my life a few years ago. I now eat peanuts on sight just to prove a point to the devil
    5. I am now receiving lessons on critical areas where the devil has deceived so many people and am now writing books as the Lord God speaks to me to begin to share with every Christian to prepare for his soon coming.
    This list can go on but I will end here by saying, a Christian can never go wrong by setting up this kind of strategy. I have also learnt that it is not just the place that matters but the time as well. God has always taken joy in being top priority in our lives. Dropping off everything to go and spend time with him gives him so much joy. I pray that the Lord touches every Christian through the closet prayer the way he has touched me. if you would like to read my writings as guided by the Lord Almighty drop me an email at [email protected]
    Thank you Katie for the opportunity to share our experiences

  10. This is my first time go to see at here and i am genuinely happy to read everthing at
    one place.

  11. Kathy says:

    Thank you all so much for the encouraging ideas. I have felt drawn to do this for awhile and now I have some ideas to get started.

  12. Brittany from Discover Her Truths says:

    Having a prayer closet is awesome! I have to create a prayer room in my new place. I’m so excited to have that space to spend time with God without distractions and interruptions. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Erin Votaw says:

    Last night, my family and I watched war room. After finishing that, I started searching and came across this. How helpful and inspiring. My husband and I are at constant turmoil for no good reason. Everything I say seems to be an issue. Today, I not only give it to god and stop letting my marriage destroy my joy and prayer time, but my 3 and 5 year old don’t use their rooms. My 5 year old sleeps with my oldest daughter, and my 3 year old, we are working on transitioning her now by keeping her bed in our room (spoiled I know, we are military don’t judge lol)… so, today, I’m combining their things into one room and creating an entire prayer room. I’m excited to see what changes God makes in my life once I start praying the way I’ve always felt I have needed to, especially with the help of this. Thank you. Thank you, thank you!!!!

  14. Joan says:

    This is great info.I always wanted to know how neccessary prayer closet is.I believe thats my ministry and need to take it to a deeper debth more seriously thank you for putting it out here for us,thanks much.

  15. Kim says:

    Hi! I love the idea, but do you have any ideas on how to create a little space in a dorm room. (My roommate is also a Christian, so that is not a conflict.) Thanks.

  16. Jenny says:

    Thank you so much going through à difficult time. I watched à movie called war room, great movie. I wanted to create a prayer room but never did came across this and i did it as soon as i read it. I took notes from you. Thank you very much. May God continue blessing you fully

  17. Kristie says:

    Thank you for this! I have pinned it and will be using it as my guide for setting my prayer corner, or War Corner as I will call it. It is only big enough for me to sit on the ground but it is close to a shelf where I can put things such as journals, photo books, etc. I also appreciate the encouragement that it is okay to start small, it is about developing the habit.

  18. Cynthia Corbin says:

    I really enjoyed reading all these positive comments about creating a prayer closet . I am now motivated again to find a space in my house to create a prayer closet.

  19. Leslie says:

    Hi Katie, I loved this article! I talk a lot about prayer on my blog, and I’m going share this article on social media. It is very encouraging and another reminder to keep going to my special prayer place.

  20. Samantha Hibbert says:

    Hi there I too have watched the war room no since then have been soooo moved as firstly a daughter of god, mother wife and more to create a prayer room I do have a very small cupboard which I can probably just fit into. (Would have been lovely as all family could use individually when moved)This may be too small thougj so may have to make a prayer corner in my room for now. will let you know how this goes.

  21. Itunu says:

    This post is so helpful and encouraging! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  22. Tiana James says:

    As a new Founder to Daughters of Faith Ministries, It’s important that I keep my prayer life and relationship with Jesus strong. Like some of the other Ladies, Every since seeing the movie “War Room”, I too have been inspired to began this journey of creating an “alone UNINTERRUPTED space” for time with Jesus. Please check back with me within a week to help hold me accountable. Thanks so, much Katie for the great encouragement and scripture reference. Please continue in Kingdom Building work.

  23. Geraldine says:

    I really love this post since I saw the war room I have been meaning to start a prayer closet I don’t have the space so I’m going to make a place next to my bed ,I will let you know if it works, ,

  24. Cheryl Walker says:

    I was asked by my Pastor to take on the women’s ministry at our church. We are a small church. But I want to begin our first meeting by presenting to them your idea of the prayer closet and get them on board to starting their own as I will also prepare a payer room in our church for our group. Your ideas are enlightening and anything that helps propel the Gospel needs to be emphasized even with women to ensure we continue the Lord’s plan of salvation. Thank you.

    • Cheryl, I think that is a wonderful way to begin! God has been reminding me recently of the power of prayer, and turning me back in that direction again. So often I want to “do something” or “solve” problems in friends lives, but really prayer is doing the most effective thing. God bless you as you lead these women!

  25. I love this post! One of my goals for this year is to create a space in my closet to have my prayer time… I’ve been blessed with TWO closets in my bedroom and I only need one for my clothing. I realize I need a quiet place to pray because my mind is so prone to distraction. This list gave me some great ideas, thank you so much for sharing it!

  26. Eliza says:

    I live in a small house, so don’t have room for a prayer closet. However, I have found that I avoid the electronic distractions & general family noise by praying in the shower. It really is amazing how good it feels to pray without distraction, and it is interesting what ‘comes through’ in your thoughts when you let God in!

  27. Paula says:

    Immediately after seeing War Room I began planning for my own personal prayer area. I pray all throughout the day but as I spent time with my son, who was hospitalized for 77 days, I found great comfort in the cozy atmosphere of the hospital chapel and spent lots of time praying for loved ones there. I got motivated again to finish up my war room. I have a rather large bedroom with a sitting room but there’s just something about the closet that seems the perfect “uninterrupted” spot.

    • That is neat Paula. I love how you took what sounds like a very difficult situation and allowed God to use you in the midst of it in a mighty way! I actually have yet to see the War Room, but I definitely will at some point!

  28. Renee says:

    A friend in a dorm took an old bicycle wheel and put pictures of those he was praying for between the spokes. Voila! A literal prayer ‘wheel’ in a very small space.

  29. Aubrey says:

    i too have a prayer corner, in my room. ive got a rocking chair, some candles, and a small bookshelf with my bible, journals, devotional books on it. iwish i had a space that was actually more like a closet and less cluttered/distraction but imtrying to workwith what i have.
    ive recently started a prayer journal and have really organized it so that i am praying for certain peoe on certain days, writing down prayer of my favorite things to do is use journaling cards, like project life style cards, and write the persons name on them. then pick out a few scriptures to pray over them, and write them there. i can put them on a ring together or i have them taped into my prayer journal, and update or change them as i need to.
    i have felt such a difference in my prayer life!
    ive been journaling my prayers for a few years but until i did this i never realized i was mainly praying for myself and sort of randomly adding in my children, husband, etc.. this is much more focused and intentional.

  30. Paula says:

    Katie. This article really encouraged me. I’ve been searching for a space to make my “prayer closet” but have limited options in our house. It looks like I’ll be making a prayer “corner.” Thank you for your ideas! I love your bold approach to declaring your faith on your blog. God bless you!

  31. Susannah says:

    For those who live in small spaces, a prayer chair or corner might do. I live in a one bedroom flat with closets that are not big enough for this. So I have made a prayer corner in my bedroom. However, my prayer life does happen in more than one place, especially as I live alone. But just seeing it can be a reminder to spend time with God.

  32. Bobbie says:

    Katie I would like to thank you for your website and blog. I came upon your site while searching for a recipe. Creating a closet for prayer. What a wonderful site you have created. I am a great grandmother and a long time follower of Christ. For the past year I have gotten serious about my walk with Christ. I’m continually looking for new ways to deepen my worship. You site contains a wealth of information that is valuable to a beginner or a seasoned Christian as myself. I’m using a lot of ideas that you have suggested and have become a follower. May God continue to guide you in your discipleship.

  33. Erica says:

    I really needed to see this. I just got through bellowing out unto God about how I miss having a prayer closet. In my old house, we had a free bedroom that was turned into a prayer closet. But right now, I have nowhere. I really need to look for a space here. Thanks for this article. I’m definitely going to read it again.

  34. Judi says:

    I’m so happy I found this post. 2 years ago at age 45, I had a massive stroke. Since then I have been focused on my son now 13. I’m very passionate about prayer and started a prayer ministry for hospitals and nursing homes and random people. I often post on Facebook asking how I can pray for people and usually get an enormous number of requests. I wish to honor those requests in an organized, intentional fashion. I may go the PRAYER journal route.

  35. Jessica says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas for a prayer closet. This is an area in my spiritual walk in which I struggle deeply. I want to have this closeness with God and I feel Him tugging at my heart to create a space like this. Searching Pinterest for prayer “War Room” ideas lead me to your post. Thank you again for sharing!

  36. Vickie says:

    Thank your for your obedience in posting this. Through you, God has revealed His will for my closet reorganization. There’s one small area that couldn’t accommodate a cabinet, so it was presumed to be useless space, and I’ve been pondering how I could use it, but through the inspiration of a sister in Christ (siC), I was researching prayer stools and came across your post. So, thank you for your obedience on sharing.

    May you and your family be blessed for all you seek Him for through your faithfulness.

  37. Tytenisha says:

    Thank you for this post! I absolutely agree with everything you said. I have been wanting my own prayer space for a long time. It just dawned on me a few days ago that there is a small closet in my basement. I’m going to clear everything out of it and create my own prayer closet. Thank you again. You posted really good information! I’m so excited! Blessings!

    • Tytenisha –that’s awesome! I’m so excited you are doing this! Have you had a chance to get started? How is it going?? What do you think so far? Bless you!

  38. Rhonda Sue says:

    I absolutely love your idea of a prayer closet. I have been thinking of doing this for about 6 months now and just recently started looking online for ideas. There is not much info online about prayer closets/rooms. Thanks for sharing your ideas! It is great!

  39. Connie says:

    Thanks for sharing.

    • Mugerwa Ronald says:

      it so important for every believer for have a prayer room at his or her home. l started building mine yesterday. stay blessed.

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