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About the Book

The lives of moms are all too often consumed with wearisome, empty striving. We work to keep up appearances, meet worldly standards, and find satisfaction in the offerings of this life such as success, admiration, and ease. However, God has set eternity in a mother’s heart, and deep inside, we long for more.

This uplifting book offers moms the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, wrapped in the hope of the Gospel, and presented in bite-sized portions. The 90 compelling meditations, scripture readings, and invitations to journal and reflect, will encourage us to reevaluate how we envision our lives and to claim a heavenly mindset towards our mothering tasks. These inspirational readings will help us discover a new way of looking at our responsibilities as a mom through God’s eyes.

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picture of Katie Bennett

About Katie

Katie Bennett is the creator of the Embracing a Simpler Life blog and podcast, where she encourages women stop loving the world and instead follow Jesus with everything they've got.

She and her husband Mitch live in a small town in Missouri where they raise their three young children.


picture of endorser “God put this book in my path right when I needed it, at a time when our family was going through a health crisis. Reading it in hospital waiting rooms, I kept thinking about how we function with a small view of life, especially when we’re caught in the middle of a struggle. Along comes Katie Bennett. With beauty and grace, she reminds us all what we’re really living for: eternity. This book reawakened me to the beauty of my future home, a place called Heaven. I’ll be recommending this book to many moms, for years to come.”Jennifer Dukes Leeauthor of The Happiness Dare and Love Idol
picture of endorser "Heavenly Minded Mom is a no-fluff, gospel-drenched devotional that will take you to the throne-room of the Father. If you've found yourself ever succumbing to the worries of today instead of looking at today in light of eternity (and who of us hasn't?), then you must get your hands on this book. A classic devotional in the making, Heavenly Minded Mom is a tool for worship that I will go back to again and again."Erin Odomauthor of More Than Just Making It and You Can Stay Home With Your Kids and creator of The Humbled Homemaker
picture of endorser “There isn't a Christian mother today who wouldn't benefit from the Gospel-based, encouraging truths in Heavenly Minded Mom. I find myself recalling and rereading Katie’s words throughout my day; this book is a true gift. Can’t wait to read it with my church Bible study!”Jessica Smarttblogger at SmartterEachDay.com
picture of endorser "In an age where most devotionals simply "tickle one's ears", Katie has successfully delved deep into the heart of the Christian life in short-bite sized daily readings. If you are looking for a resource to help you draw closer to our Creator, to strengthen your resolve to live a Gospel-Centered life, and to learn how to daily pick up your cross and follow Christ in this modern age, Heavenly Minded Mom will indeed remind you that where your treasure is, there your heart is also."Jami Balmetblogger at YoungWifesGuide.com and creator of HomemakingMinistries.com


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